UGANDA: Be cheerful Givers as Christ, Bishop Kibira Urged Christians

Bishop Kibira With Teachers Of Kalikyikalikyi P.S at Kasisyo RCC

By Masereka Peter

The Ordinary of the Diocese of Kasese, Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira Kambale has warned the public against selfishness and encouraged cheerful giving.

The Bishops described generosity as an obligation for believers at all levels and encouraged Christians to find space for giving in their hearts however hard the economic situation may be, saying should people share everything they have with others nobody in this world would lack.

In his homily, while presiding over Holy Mass at Kasisyo Catholic Church in Nsenyi Catholic Parish, Kyondo Sub County where he confirmed 434 Christians in the Catholic faith, Bishop Kibira reminded Christians Christ offered himself selflessly for the salvation of all God’s people.

He revealed that it will be hard for greedy people to enter the Kingdom of God because their actions don’t depict the will of the Creator.

The Prelate reminded the congregation that they are created in God’s image who is the giver of everything on earth and the one who gave them authority over every creature yet the world is currently challenged with people who are too selfish and corrupted.