MALAWI: Bishop Chaima Pleads for Support for the Elderly

Bishop Chaima

By Luke Bisani

The Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Zomba has pleaded for support, both spiritual and social, for the elderly people in Malawi for their well-being.

Speaking during the Eucharistic celebration commemorating World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly in the diocese at St. Pius Parish-Magomero last Sunday, Bishop Chaima expressed a need to support people who are old, arguing that they need ultimate pastoral care and social support in the communities where they live.

“We are called to be heralds of the gospel to all people, including our elders, who are advanced in age and need support from others.” The prelate emphasized

Bishop Chaima further called on people in the country to give special attention to the vulnerable groups, among them the elderly, who receive less care from their communities.

In concurrence with Bishop Chaima, Diocesan Caritas Coordinator, Sr. Patricia Mauya, appealed to communities to treasure old age and look after the elderly in their communities by providing them with basic needs.

At the end of Mass, the Bishop, with the help of the Social Directorate, presented gifts to some elders from the surrounding communities as a gesture of the church’s commitment to look after them.

During World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly at Magomero Parish in the diocese of Zomba, 215 new Catholics from the parish received the sacrament of confirmation.

Pope Francis established World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly in 2021 and decreed that it be observed each year on the Sunday closest to the feast of saints. Joachim and Anne are Jesus’ grandparents.

This year’s commemorations for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly were held under the theme “Do not cast me off in my old age” from the Book of Psalms (71:9).