KENYA: Catholic Nuns Urged to be Role Models, Source of Inspiration

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

As the Catholic Church commemorates the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus, a Cleric has called upon sisters of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Anna (FSSA) congregation to be role models to the people they serve by demonstrating a profound commitment to their faith and spiritual practices.

Addressing the Sisters from the Nairobi region who were celebrating their feast day in Kenya’s capital Saturday, July 27, Fr. Boniface Owiyo pointed out that as Sts. Joachim and Anna lived an exemplary life by exhibiting patience, nurturing the faith of Mother Mary and humbly submitting to God’s will, members of the FSSA should emulate the same and be an inspiration to others.

Using the idiomatic expression ‘an apple does not fall far from the tree’ to Illustrate his call to the nuns further, the member of the Order of St. Augustine (OSA) highlighted that a child usually has similar characteristics or qualities to those of the parents hence members of the FSSA should have features like those of St. Anna and Joachim.

Fr. Joachim (Left) and Fr. Boniface (Right)

“A lot can be attributed to Mother Mary and what is fundamental is that all these attributes came from the family, how she was brought up, and how she was nurtured,” Fr. Owiyo said in his homily adding that the family of the Blessed Virgin Mary played a great role in molding their daughter, a responsibility that might have reinforced the virtues that contributed to Mary being chosen the mother of Christ.

Commemorating the feast of Sts. Joachim and Anna on the eve of the IV World Day for grandparents and the elderly, Fr. Owiyo reflected on the message of Sirach from the scripture that we need to learn from our great-grandparents and forefathers.

“If we live our lives in a way that gives witness to Jesus Christ it leads to a transformative effect not only to us but also to those we serve,” the Kenyan cleric said and posed questions to the nuns, What impact have you brought in the congregation? How do u represent the face of the congregation?

He further encouraged the sisters to emulate good examples from the first sisters in the congregation and bring a positive impact on people’s lives.