MALAWI: Zomba Diocese has Two Modern Prayer Houses at Out-Churches

Luke Bisani

With financial support from the Catholics from Canada, the Diocese of Zomba has this week blessed and opened two modern prayer houses.

The two churches, at St. Matthew and St. Peter’s (Mbedza) out-churches, have been built with support from a Canadian Catholic parish, St. Anne, which provided the community with resources to complete the projects.

Speaking during the blessing of the new prayer houses, the prelate of the diocese, Rt. Rev. Alfred Chaima, applauded Christians from St. Annes Parish for their generosity in supporting the construction of the churches.

“A church is the house of God; we must use it for that purpose, and our friends mobilized resources to help us have a deceitful place for prayers,” said the bishop.

He then advised the beneficiaries of the projects to desist acts of vandalizing facilities that the churches installed at the church.

He further urged the Christians to pray always for the donors to realize the

The two out-churches, St. Matthew’s Church and Saint Peter’s, are under the Sacred Heart Cathedral and St. Matthias Nankhunda Parish respectively.