CUEA: Catholic Universities Open Applications for Theologians, Canon Lawyers Fellowships

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in collaboration with Hekima University College (HUC) has called for African Theologians and Canon Law Scholars to apply for post-doctoral fellowships for advanced research opportunities and the development of professional and academic skills.

According to the Vice Chancellor of CUEA Fr. Prof. Stephen Mbugua Ngari   who signed the letter shared with AMECEA Online, the initiative, housed in CUEA, “will offer a platform for the voices of African theologians and canon lawyers in global Ecclesial discourse, and the output of scholarly research will be published on an international peer-reviewed journal.”

Based on this need, CUEA and its constituent Institute Hekima University College, are offering doctoral and post-doctoral scholarships to prospective candidates from across the globe. The Vice-Chancellor who doubles as the University’s rector notes, “The doctoral scholarship will be for a period of three years while that for post-doctoral fellowship will be for one year.

The scholarships are open to French and English-speaking African scholars, and those ready to carry out the research in English will be admitted at CUEA while those who prefer the French language will be enrolled at one of the Catholic Faculties of Theology in the African Francophone region.

Consequently, “The vision of the African Centre is to be a robust network of scholars with a passion for the Church and society within the African and global context,” reads part of the letter.

This project is expected to begin by early September 2024. The applicants should make their submissions by Wednesday, July 31, and send their applications to