MALAWI: Catholic Faithful in Zomba Dine to Raise Funds Towards Seminary Centenary Celebration

Luke Bisani

The Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Zomba, Malawi, have held a fundraising dinner dance on Friday, July 12, to support the Child Jesus Seminary popularly known as Nankhunda, for its centenary celebration this year.

Speaking during the event, the Prelate of the diocese, Rt. Rev. Alfred Mateyu Chaima explained that the seminary has achieved a lot in the past years for the Church and the country at large.

“An institution of 100 years has achieved a lot. At the same time, it demands a lot from us to keep it standing,” said Bishop Chaima.

Besides having the budget for the one-hundred-year celebration, Bishop Chaima disclosed that the seminary needs serious renovations that demand a huge amount of money.

“We need to raise funds to renovate our beloved seminary so that it can continue to serve both the Church and the nation,” added Bishop Chaima.

The Prelate also appealed for support from well-wishers in Malawi and outside the country to support the budget that has been pegged at USD 57,805.80 for the renovations and the celebration this year.

Bishop Chaima then applauded his predecessors, who worked tirelessly towards the sustainability of the seminary in its 100 years of existence.

The organizing committee members for the fundraising disclosed that the event aimed to mobilize USD 17,341.74 through table booking and contributions from well-wishers, just to name some events, to support the total budget.

Established in 1924 by Montfort Missionaries in Zomba, the Seminary has produced bishops, priests, and people who are serving in high-ranking portfolios in both the public and private sectors.

Among the bishops that have walked through the corridors of Nankhunda are the late Archbishop James Chiona of the Archdiocese of Blantyre, bishop emeritus for Zomba Allan Chamgwera, the current Archbishop of Blantyre His Grace Thomas Luke Msusa, and Archbishop George Desmond Tambala of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe.

Nankhunda Seminary is on record as being one of the best schools in Malawi, offering secondary education to young Catholic boys as they discern their vocation to the priesthood.