TANZANIA: Bishop Mwijage Makes Pastoral Visit to Islands of Lake Victoria

Bishop Mwigage greeting Mr Alphonce Rugazia (the aged) in Mazinga Island who in 1982 gave the Church 3 hectares to build a prayer centre

Sarah Pelaji

Bishop Jovitus Mwijage of Bukoba Catholic Diocese has made a 4-day Pastoral visit at the Outstation of Saints Peter and Paul in Mazinga one of the islands in Lake Victoria under the Parish of the Virgin Mary, Queen of the World, Kijwire Catholic Diocese of Bukoba, Tanzania on July 5, 2024.

During his Pastoral visit he urged Catholic believers to live and defend the Catholic Faith, participate fully in the Sacraments of the Church while get away with secularism, adding that parents must have their children baptized and teach them prayers and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Bishop Mwijage,  during his 4 day’s visit in the Parish of the Virgin Mary, Queen of the World – Kijwire, accompanied by Parish Priest Father Philbert Mutalemwa and his Curate Fr. Fridoinus Muchunguzi, managed to go reach the communities on the Island and the mainland while watching the progress of the believers living in the islands and on land to encourage them to increase their faith and participate fully in supporting the Church and receiving the Sacraments of the Church .

Bishop Mwijage at the Outstation of Chembuzi in Mazinga Island

The bishop was concerned that some parents live their children unbaptized and that couples live together without the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

Bishop Mwijage said that parents have a major responsibility to teach children to initiate faith at the family level.

“The family is the foundation of the Church. If we mess-up now, we shall create a generation of immoral faithful in the future. If we don’t baptize those children, they will be baptized in other churches. We need to understand our responsibilities towards our Catholic Children.

“I have also found many Catholics who are not receiving the Holy Eucharist due to irregular marriages. When they are questioned, they give the excuses of financial problems. You don’t need money to go at the Altar to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony, what is needed is he readiness and faith in God,” he insisted while adding, “My brothers, when you are given opportunities to enroll children to be baptized, show up in large numbers and never underestimate yourself in whoever situation you are experiencing.

“Never judge yourself as a worst sinner because the Church always open the door for those who are ready to receive God’s mercy. Christ is the one who came to look for you so that you can surrender your burdens of sin to him,” he went on.

Bishop Mwijage gave opportunity for every Catholic who has some challenges, obstacles in receiving any Sacrament in the Church to report to the Parish priests so that they get their right of receiving the Sacraments in the Church fulfilled.

He urged the believers to dedicate themselves to supporting the Church and help all those in need.

He appreciated Mr Alphonce Rugazia, now an elderly man in Mazinga Island, who in 1982 gave his 3 hectares of land to the Church to build a prayer center and in 1999 the area was given to Mazinga Outstation which has a total of 7 Community centers.

Bishop Mwijage’s visit to the islands was with intentions was pastoral, wanting to encourage and develop the Christian life of individuals and the entire community of believers. As Jesus says: “I am the good Shepherd, and those who are mine will seek… (John 10:11-15).