UGANDA: Homes, Country Should be Free from Corruption, Bishop Kibira Cautions Christians

By Masereka Peter

The Ordinary of Uganda’s Kasese Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira Kambale has described corruption as a killer tablet of the innocent God’s people whose lives are at stake in the hands of those he called selfish public servants.

The Bishop expressed his disbelief that whereas the medics know that medical drugs treat patients, they go ahead and steal them at the expense of the dying God’s people.

He made the remark on Saturday, June 29, on the feast of St. Peter and Paul at St. John Minor Seminary shortly after the Diocesan ordination of three deacons to the priesthood and five seminarians to Deaconate, with a call on parents to prioritize good parenting for the sustainability of the church.

The newly ordained priests include Rev. Fr. Fredrick Masereka from Kasanga Parish, Rev. Fr. Moris Thembo from Kasese Parish, and Rev. Fr. Ednus Mumbere from Kakone Parish.

The ordained deacons include Rev. Deacon William Kule, Rev. Dn. Phillip Mikanyu, Rev. Dn. Landaus Baluku all from Nsenyi Parish, and Rev. Dn. Robert Kule, Bukangara Parish, and Rev. Dn. Hillary Katsetsere from Kasanga Parish.

Bishop Kibira encouraged parents to make their homes comfortable for children to live in if the country is to have responsible citizens and advised the newly ordained priests and deacons to be obedient to everyone and take good care of their vocation through offering sacrifice as well as listening to pieces of advice from the clergy, parents and the public.

The Ordinary called for the need to have educated leaders in the church, which he said can be achieved through investing in children’s education.

He warned parents against domestic Violence and other related bad habits that hinder economic development and Education in Kasese District.

Hon. Florence Kabugho, the Kasese District Woman Member of Parliament appreciated priests and Deacons for the milestone and asked Christians to support and pray for the new servants of God.

Representing the newly Ordained Priests, Rev. Fr. Fredrick Masereka asked his colleagues to listen to the guidance from elderly Priests.

Representing the parents, Hon. Gideon Mujungu Thembo and Mr. Ivan Mbasa pledged continued parental support to their children and servants of the Church to fulfill their roles as required.