ZAMBIA: Solwezi Diocese Trains 52 Missionary Holy Childhood Animators

By Fr. Wilbroad C. Musonda

The Missionary Holy Childhood Animators should emphasize the importance of the eucharist in children during their Missionary animation and formation of the children in their respective parishes located in the Catholic Diocese of Solwezi,  Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS)-Solwezi Director Fr. Wilbroad C. Musonda says.

In his homily during the celebration of the Corpus Christi mass on 2nd June 2024 which marked end of the  School of Missionary Animation (SOMA 1) Training Programme at which 52 Missionary Holy Childhood Animators  completed with a SOMA 1 certificate and was held at Our Lady of Consolation Parish – Lwawu Mission.

  “Celebrating the Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion is a significant aspect of Christian life and it is essential to impart its importance to children from a tender age because of its Spiritual nourishment value”, Fr. Musonda explained.

Expounding on the importance of the Eucharist, which the Missionary Holy Childhood has to impart in the children, the PMS-Solwezi Director points out the connection between the physical food and the Eucharist.

“Just as physical food nourishes the body we can say that the Eucharist provides spiritual nourishment that is needed in strengthening the Holy Childhood children’s relationship with God”, he said.

Furthermore, in his homily, Fr. Musonda underscored the need for the Missionary Holy Childhood Animators to internalize the understanding of the gist of the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist in their daily lives – for them to receive the spiritual nourishment that arises from the course contents of School of Missionary Animation benefits of the Eucharist.

“The Holy Childhood Animators have to put to center stage the spiritual nourishment of the Holy Eucharist which is key to the overall inculcation of the contents learnt from the school of Missionary Animation namely; The Missionary’s Spirituality, Animation and Formation in the Ordinary and Spiritual lives of the Holy Childhood”, the Fr. Musonda  said. The PMS Director – Solwezi added that the Eucharist is a bridge to the realisation of the noble Holy Childhood activity of fostering the missionary spirituality, animation, prayer, self-sacrifice and children helping fellow children in the lives of the Holy Childhood children in the parishes and centers. He says this can be achieved through the much needed fruits of the Holy Spirit that can only come about from the spiritual nourishment derived from the Holy Eucharist.

During the presentation of School of Missionary Animation (SOMA 1) course content which is the first course designed for those who to be trained as Missionary Holy Childhood Animators, Fr. Musonda pointed out the importance of  including elderly in the inculcation of missionary spirituality, animation and formation of children in their parishes and centers.

“The elderly provide a unique perspective and wealth of knowledge, making them invaluable educators and mentors for children through instilling in the children the important values and morals such as respect, empathy and kindness,” outlines Fr. Musonda.

Fr. Musonda further observes that the outlined values and morals can only be accumulated from the elderly’s vast life experiences that they have honourably lived.

“The elderly have the rich life history of social, cultural and religious heritage which can pass on to the next generation of children in the context of the course of School of Missionary Animation thereby inculcuting in children the missionary spirituality of prayer, self-sacrifice and children helping fellow children in the Catholic Church, Community and Society at large.

Notably among those who participated in the School of Missionary Animation (SOMA 1) Animators’ Training Programme were the elderly and a person living with a disability”, he said.

The Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS)-Solwezi, whose aim is to promote missionary awareness and animation of Holy Childhood children, organized and conducted the School of Missionary Animation (SOMA 1) Training Programme for 52 participants which included 27 men and 25 women. The Missionary Holy Childhood participant were drawn from selected Mwinilunga Deanery which comprised of St. Anthony of Padua Parish-Mwinilunga, Our Lady of Consolation Parish-Lwawu Mission and Sacred Heart Parish-Ikelenge situated in the Catholic Diocese of Solwezi – Zambia. The SOMA 1 Training Programme which witnessed certificates of completion of School of Missionary Animation (SOMA 1) issued to all 52 Missionary Holy Childhood Animators participants commenced on Tuesday 27th May and ended Sunday 2nd June 2024.