AMECEA: African Panelists to Explore How to Strengthen the Role of Lay Charisms in the Church’s Mission

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

The Church in Africa through some regional and continental bodies has organized a webinar for next month Thursday, July 11, to discuss ways to strengthen lay charisms’ role in the Church’s life and mission for increased collaboration and synodality.

In response to the concerns after the first phase of the Synod on Synodality that took place in October 2023 in Rome, the scheduled webinar has been organized by the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) in partnership with the Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWECA) the Pan-African Committee for Communication (CEPACS), and in collaboration with the African Synodality Initiative (ASI).

In Chapter 10 of the Synthesis Report titled: “Consecrated Life and Lay Associations and Movements: A Charismatic Sign,” it emphasizes that the Church has always benefitted from the gift of charisms through which “the Holy Spirit rejuvenates and renews the Church with joy and gratitude.”

Based on this, the upcoming webinar themed: Lay Associations and Ecclesial Movements, the Church’s Charismatic Dimension aims to recognition the importance of both the hierarchical and charismatic gifts of these movements which are a precious sign of the maturation of the co-responsibility of all the baptized and which are “often models of synodal communion and participation for mission” (SR10.c).

Additionally, as society is becoming more secularized, the lay associations can become the voice of the Gospel to have a greater ecumenical force in the service of ecclesial union among Christians of different denominations, disciples of Jesus united in promoting justice, peace, and the dignity of the least.

The July webinar will have panelists from various parts of Africa, deepening the understanding of solidarities for greater recognition of lay charisms’ role in the Church’s life and mission which are paths towards holiness and the Church’s prophetic presence in the world.

The panelists for the session will include Dr. Mary Shaba from Malawi, representing the Atumiki Achifundo (Servants of Charity) a lay movement working with the poor, Mr. Fosuaba Banahene the President of Papal Knights and Dames in Ghana, Ms. Khosi Mthembu from South Africa the President for inter-dioceses of the sodality of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and the National Minister for the Third Order of Fransiscans in Kenya, Mr. Patrick Kamau.

The Archbishop of Bloemfontein, South Africa Most Rev. Zolile Peter Mpambani, and a member of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (SCI) will give the opening remarks, while Fr. Anthony Makunde the Secretary General of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) and Fr. Vitalis Chinedu Anaehobi the Secretary General of the Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa (RECOWA) who are Synod delegates will shape more light on the background of the topic.

The webinar that targets the Sodalities, members of Lay Associations and movements, the Bishops, parish priests and Superiors of Religious men and women among others, will be translated simultaneously into French and English by Mr. Theophan Marub

It will commence at 1600hrs EAT/ 1500hrs Rome time/ 15:00 South Africa/ Malawi time.

Kindly register through the link:

As stated in SR 10f, the Church is ready to recognize and promote these associations through which the people of God experience the pastoral significance of various charisms of lay men and women commitment augmentation of paths towards holiness and being a prophetic presence to “the least of our brothers and sisters.”