MALAWI: Catholic Mourns State Vice President As Bishops Declare Sunday Nationwide Mass for His Eternal Repose

Vice President, Right Honourable Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima (front Left)

Luke Bisani

The Catholic Church in Malawi has expressed shock and deep sorrow following a tragic plane crash that killed the country’s State Vice President, Right Honourable Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima, Former First Lady Patricia Dzimbiri, and seven other Malawians.

In a statement released on Tuesday, 11th June, 2024, the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) has extended a sincere message of condolence to Madam Mary Chilima, children, the families and loved ones of the deceased compatriots, to the State President of the Republic of Malawi Dr Lazarus Chakwera and the entire nation.

“At their deaths, our hearts are torn and wounded, and the nation mourns Right Hon. Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima, Madam Patricia Dzimbiri, and others with deep grief. May the almighty God grant strength to their families as we mourn them,” reads part of the statement signed by ECM President Most Rev. George Tambala.

The ECM President has since directed that all the Catholic churches in the country must celebrate Holy Mass praying for the restful repose of Dr. Chilima and former first lady Dzimbiri, who were dedicated Catholics.

“Until their death, Right Honourable Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima and Madam Patricia Dzimbiri were practicing and dedicated members of the Catholic Church. They came from families that were built and grounded on the Catholic faith, ethos, and values,” reads further the statement.

In video clips that have gone viral on social media, Chilima and Dzimbiri are seen taking part in various roles of the Catholic liturgy despite holding the status of high-profile people.

In one clip, Madam Dzimbiri is seen dancing during a choir festival event and her voice being shared for the Radio Maria Programme ‘Saint of the Day’ which she volunteered to present.

In several clips, Chilima is seen taking part in reading the Word of God during the Liturgy of the Word, serving as usher during offertory, among many other roles.

Dr Saulos Chilima, the former First Lady Patricia Dzimbiri, Lukas Kapheni, Chisomo Chimaneni, Dan Kanyemba, Abdul Lapukeni, Colonel Sambalopa, Major Selemani, and Major Aidin—died on Monday this week after a plane crash in Chikangawa forest.