ZAMBIA: ZCCB Communication Department Urges Media to Prioritize Environmental Reporting

Fr. Arthur Ntembula

Sandra Kunda

In light of World Environment Day, which fell on June 5th, 2024, The Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops – ZCCB Communication Department has urged all media organizations to prioritize environmental reporting to create awareness amid the country’s climate crisis.

ZCCB Director of Communications, Fr. Arthur Ntembula, says the media outlets are not just observers but active participants in shaping public discourse and driving action on climate change effects, prevention, and adaptation.

Emphasizing the importance of climate reporting, Fr. Ntembula states that the current drought situation is not just a crisis but a call to action, as it underscores the urgent need for heightened awareness and immediate action to address environmental challenges.

Fr. Ntembula has since called on all Catholic media outlets to embrace climate reporting in accordance with the principles and teachings in the encyclical letter Laudato , which he called Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on climate.

This year’s World Environmental Day was celebrated under the theme “Accelerating Land Restoration for Drought Resilience in Zambia.”
