MALAWI: ECM Celebrates Nineth Anniversary of Laudato Si Encyclical Through Green Walk

Luke Bisani

The Episcopal Conference of Malawi, together with the Jesuit Centre for Ecological Development, led the Church in Malawi in commemorating the nineth anniversary of Pope Francis’s encyclical letter Laudato Si, subtitled “On Care for Our Common Home,” in the diocese of Zomba through a green walk.

In his homily during the Eucharist Celebration of the commemoration last week Saturday, Bishop Alfred Chaima of Zomba Diocese encouraged the Catholic faithful and all people of good will to read, reflect, and act on the message contained in the encyclical.

Bishop Chaima then reminded the people in Malawi of the need and importance of looking after the environment as a common home.

“We need to be good stewards; this is a responsibility given to us by the Creator, and we must fulfil it,” said Bishop Chaima.

The nineth anniversary of Laudato Si celebration started with a march from Charles Lwanga Parish through the town of Zomba to Sacred Heart Cathedral. The marchers carried placards that carried various messages, calling people to care for the environment and highlighting the message that is found in Laudato Si.

Amongst the participants were students from the University of Malawi (UNIMA), St Mary’s Girls Secondary School, Bishop Auneau Private Secondary School, and Zomba Catholic Boys Secondary School who came and displayed their brass band.

The Diocese of Zomba covers districts that have been hit by the recent ecological disasters that have happened in Malawi recently, Cyclone Anna and Cyclone Freddy.

The two cyclones have harmed the country, including parts of the Diocese of Zomba, where people lost their loved ones, homes, animals, and crops.

Currently, the diocese has districts placed with red flags of hunger alerts in the country due to cyclone Anna that has affected this year’s harvest.