ZAMBIA: Lutanda Radio Celebrates 8 Years of Broadcasting

Lutunda Radio

Sandra Kunda

Lutanda Catholic Radio Station, a Religious broadcaster belonging to the Archdiocese of Kasama, has celebrated a significant milestone of 8 years of successful broadcasting.

For the past 8 years, Lutanda Radio has been a beacon of light, serving not just the northern region of Zambia but also extending its reach beyond.

Like other Catholic media institutions, it has been steadfast in its mission to evangelize, inform, educate, and entertain its listeners.

Today Lutanda stands in awe of this remarkable achievement, a testament to the dedication and vision of the station’s management and the Archdiocese of Kasama.

The unwavering commitment to ensuring Lutanda Radio remains true to the Church’s core mission of evangelization has been the cornerstone of this success.

The Catholic Church currently owns 10 Radio Stations in different dioceses across the country.