ZAMBIA: Access to Health Donates Medical Supplies to Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops

Medical supplies donated to ZCCB

Sandra Kunda

Access to Health Zambia, with support from Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) Inc. has donated various medical supplies to the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) Health Department.

Speaking during the handover, ZCCB National Health Coordinator Sister Agnes Lungu thanked Access to Health Zambia and CMMB Inc. for the donation, saying it will enhance the availability of these medical supplies in about 76 Catholic health institutions, as they are currently lacking some of the donated items.

“The donation will significantly contribute to improving the health and well-being of our mothers and children across the country,” Sr. Agnes stated.

And Access to Health Zambia Medical Donations Coordinator Mwila Chaloba said the donation includes adhesive bandages, chloroplast, surgical gloves, and vitamins for children and pregnant women, among other things.

The gesture by Access to Health Zambia reflects a commitment and partnership with organizations like ZCCB.