MALAWI: Zomba Catholic Children Urged to Live in Communion

Bishop interacting with Children after Mass

Luke Bisani

Bishop Alfred Mateyu Chaima of the Catholic Diocese of Zomba, has urged children to live in communion, which will strengthen their Catholic faith in their communities.

Speaking during the Eucharist celebration on the commemoration of the Holy Trinity and the first World Day for the children at Sacred Heart Zomba Cathedral, Bishop Chaima said that through communion, children are to be bound together for a stronger Catholic faith amid other teachings in the world.

“As children, you need to emulate the Holy Trinity by living in communion with others right from the family, SCC, school, and parish communities and becoming proud Catholics who are to remain in the one Holy Catholic Church for the rest of your lives,” said the bishop.

Bishop Chaima also urged the children in the diocese to share their joy with their families, to remain in school, and to value education.

“As Pope Francis says in his message to children, you are the source of joy to your parents and the elders around you. Listen to them and the stories they tell, and learn from them.” Added Bishop Chaima.

The prelate further urged the children to plant trees and take care of the environment, while at the same time thinking of the vulnerable elderly people and fellow children who are facing challenges like war, poverty, and diseases in the world.

In 2023, Pope Francis declared that the Catholic Church was to commemorate children as a way of ensuring their care and value to the church.

In the diocese of Zomba, children from Holy Trinity Matawale Parish, Charles Lwanga Parish, and Sacred Heart Zomba Cathedral came together to commemorate their day. After the Holy Mass, children spiced up the commemoration with activities that included reciting poems and quizzes, just to name some. Kids who emerged as the best ones wore a smile after receiving prizes.