ZAMBIA: Archbishop of Lusaka Encourages Love and Equality on Pentecost

Archbishop Alick Banda

Sandra Kunda

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Lusaka, Most Rev. Alick Banda has called upon Christians to embrace the power of love and reject segregation in all its forms.

Speaking during the Pentecost Sunday Celebration at St. Theresa Parish in Lusaka’s Chainda compound, Archbishop Banda emphasized the significance of Pentecost as a time to reflect on the inclusive nature of Christianity.

“Today, as we commemorate the Pentecost, let us remember the profound message of love and unity that it represents,” Archbishop Banda. “As followers of Christ, we are called to let love lead in all aspects of our lives, treating each and every individual with dignity and respect.”

Drawing from the biblical account of Pentecost, Archbishop Banda highlighted the coming of the Holy Spirit as a unifying force that transcends cultural, social, and ethnic barriers.

He urged Christians to emulate this spirit of inclusivity and embrace diversity within their communities.

“In the eyes of God, everyone is seen as equal; there is no room for discrimination or prejudice,” Archbishop Banda declared passionately. “We are all equal in His sight, and it is our duty to extend that same equality to one another.”

Archbishop Banda has since called upon Christians to actively combat segregation and injustice wherever it may exist, both within the Church and society at large, and allow the spirit of Pentecost to guide their actions, leading them to build a more inclusive and compassionate world.