UGANDA: Bishop Wanok Implores Christians to Start Capital Saving in Families

Rt. Rev. Sanctus Lino Wanok

Fr Isaac Ojok

Rt Rev Sanctus Lino Wanok the Bishop of Uganda’s Lira Diocese has called on the Christians to start capital savings in their families in a bid to fight household poverty.

He was addressing a section of Parish priests, lay leaders, and local donors in a meeting held at ordinations ground in Lira city recently.

Bishop Wanok said as a diocese the vision is to ensure that every family in the diocese is empowered economically to enable them to educate their children and also meet other basic needs in the family.

The bishop challenged the parish leaders to start making investments in their respective parishes through lucrative activities like farming, beekeeping, poultry keeping, and piggery projects that should be embraced by everyone.

Bishop Wanok further invited the participants to join Lira Diocese Multipurpose cooperative Society established with the vision to empower the people in Lira diocese economically, fight household poverty, and support their children in schools and to meet other needs in the families.

He went on to say that he is grateful to all the Christians in Lira diocese for the support being exhibited in the project of the bishop’s house construction, remittance of “Seed Money” among others.

The meeting held on Saturday was meant to give accountability to those responsible in supporting the diocesan projects that are currently underway and also to encourage one another to walk together in the spirit of Synodality.

During the same meeting, the report on the progress of the bishop’s house construction was given to participants from different parishes and sub parishes in the diocese, a mega project the local donors and the Christians in the diocese promised to continue giving financial support to ensure that it is successfully accomplished.

The bishop in his address further revealed that he as a bishop, cannot work alone or do some developmental projects without participation of the Christian community and proper financial basis.

The bishop concluded his address by announcing that the celebration of the 56th diocesan anniversary shall take place on 13th July 2024 at Ordinations ground, Lira.

He further reminded Christians to come with the contribution that can support the construction of the bishop’s house and other initiatives.
