MALAWI: Seminarians Urged to Rise Above Their Fears

Bishop Mwakhwawa (left) posing with the Rector and some of the seminarians.

Brenard Mwanza

The Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Malawi Rt. Rev. Vincent Frederick Mwakhwawa has challenged minor seminarians to rise above their fears as they journey towards priesthood.

Bishop Mwakhwawa stressed that as the future leaders of the Church, they should open their eyes and minds to learn many things that will be very key in their journey to priesthood.

He made the sentiments on the Pentecost Sunday, 19th May 2024, when he visited St. Paul’s Mlale Minor Seminary of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe.

 “They are young men doing their secondary school education, but we have told them that the church trusts them and that is why we are investing in them so that they may become better leaders of the church tomorrow,” he stated.

During the Eucharistic celebration, Bishop Mwakhwawa urged the seminarians to pray for the spirit of understanding to help them work hard in their studies.

Bishop Mwakhwawa further assured the seminarians and the staff members that the Church is committed to addressing the challenges they are going through to ensure that these young men are growing holistically.

He also had a closed sessions with the staff, and the seminarians respectively where he learnt of their experiences, positive strides being made and some challenges they are facing.

Rev. Fr. Benedict Kamdabweni, Rector of St. Paul’s Minor Seminary, expressed gratitude for the Bishop’s visit saying it was a motivation to the staff and the seminarians themselves.

“These visits are very important. These boys need such interactions to be inspired as they want to become priests one day,” emphasized Fr. Kamdabweni.

While concurring with the Rector on the significance of the visit, Dean of Students Lawrence Patukani pleaded with the bishop to organize more of such visits for them to get more inspired.

Among others, Bishop Mwakhwawa shared with the seminarians his journey to priesthood, emphasizing on the challenges he faced and how he overcame them until now that he is the bishop.

The seminarians were also given a chance to ask questions, give comments and share their experiences.