MALAWI: Bishop Chaima Inspires Fr. Frederick Scragg School Students

Luke Bisani

The Prelate of the Catholic Diocese of Zomba, Rt. Rev. Alfred Chaima inspired students at Fr. Frederick Scragg Private Primary School in the diocese to work extra hard for their success, the church, and the country at large.

Speaking to the graduating students who are now writing government Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) exams at the school, Bishop Chaima congratulated the learners for making it to the last class of this elementary stage.

“You need to continue the hardworking spirit, and that should be followed by good behavior for you to excel in life. As you are now leaving Fr. Frederick Scragg School, please keep the holistic education you have received at the institution alive,” said Bishop Chaima.

He added that Fr. Frederick Scragg Primary School is among the Catholic schools in Malawi that remain schools of choice in the country and further commended parents and guardians for choosing the institution as a place of their choice for their children’s education.

The Prelate then disclosed that the Catholic Church, through the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), has been geared to ensure that Catholic schools offer not only quality education but also integral education that aims at the whole person and prepares them to become responsible people in the future.

Fr. Frederick Scragg Private Primary School was established in 2019. The school is situated next to Sacred Heart Zomba Cathedral. Currently, the school has 399 learners from standard one to seven. The school is managed by the Brothers of the Montfortian. Brothers of St. Gabriel.