ERITREA: International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024 Celebration at the National

Sr. Tseghereda Yohannes (PhD) presenting about ‘being a Synodal church in mission in Eritrea’

Communication Desk

The International Women’s Day, March 8, was commemorated with several programs, including Seminars, poems and short dramas in Kidane Mehret Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, being organized and facilitated by ErCS Department of Women in Development/Gender & Development (WID/GAD).

The program began at 07:00 AM in the morning with a Holy Mass that was celebrated by Fr. Thomas Negash, Secretary General of Arch Eparchy of Asmara, accompanied by two concelebrants.

During the mass, Fr. Thomas shared with the faithful about the parable of the Sower from the Gospel of Mark and advised the congregants to be fruitful and yield thirty, sixty and hundredfold.

He paraphrased the story of creation as it is read: “God created mankind in His image: in the image of God He created them: male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27) and emphasized that what God created is only good.

“God looked at everything he made, and found it very good’: these are the sweet words of God we find in the bible and the gender differences we experience today are the result of the cultural legacy in which we are striving to avoid,” said  Fr. Thomas who added what St. Paul write to the Galatians saying “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28).

Following the Holy Mass and breakfast, all the participants gathered in the meeting hall. An opening prayer was said by Fr. Tekie Hagos, followed by a prayer dedicated for the International Women’s Day, facilitated by WID/GAD Coordinator Sr. Luchia Teclemichael.

Sr Luchia welcomed all the participating women and reminded them that this was their third year coordinating and facilitating such occasions on this special day dedicated for women internationally.

In her presentation, Sr. Tsige Teclemichael from the congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Rubatto thanked God for this our special day and congratulated all women for observing the day which is dedicated for all women in the whole world, considering “how a woman does face all the social and economic challenges” as she gave more emphasis on her dignity and responsibility.

“A woman is the most precious one being created in the image and likeness of God,” she said, in reference to why God decided to give Adam a lifelong partner (Genesis 2:18). It means that Adam alone was incomplete and God wanted to make him complete and happier for having a life partner who is of his own blood and flesh.”

 Sr. Tsige further elaborated that a woman is the teacher and light of the whole family but her real importance is not truly acknowledged in most parts of the world, particularly in the developing and underdeveloped countries.

The second presentation was given by Sr. Tseghereda Yohannes (PhD), Secretary General of Eritrean Catholic secretariat (ErCS), on the 16th Synod of Bishops in Rome in October 2023 entitled “Being a Synodal Church in Mission.”

Sr Tseghereda gave a brief explanation about the background of the synod and spiritual dialogue, and the message it conveys to the Eritrean Catholic Church. More emphasis was give to the type of participants in this Synod and for the first time in the whole history of the Catholic church women were invited, both religious and laity, and also representatives of other religious groups.

“Each and every one is expected to contribute its share in spreading the good news as we are all called ‘People of God’ in the Second Vatican council. Therefore, all the people of God, without any discrimination, bishops, priests, religious congregations and laity are responsible to witness Christ in our words and acts” she said.

She further elaborated the main theme of the Synod that the Holy Spirit should be the main actor of the synod, as Pope Francis addressed during the opening speech of the Synod.

In her concluding remarks, Sr. Tseghereda shared her idea about “the Life & Mission of Women in the Church” and the two sessions were concluded for that day.

At the end one poem by Mrs. Mehret Abraha was present and also a short stage drama was present for the participants by Pavonian Youths.