MALAWI: Marriage Encounter Launches One More ‘Circle’

Fr. Jos Kuppens Presenting a Leadership Certificate to the Namanjas

Sam Kalimba

Members of Worldwide Marriage Encounter in the Central Region of Malawi which comprises the Archdiocese of Lilongwe and the Diocese of Dedza gained one additional ‘Circle’ based at St. Padre Pio Parish in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe last Sunday, April 28, 2024.

The Secretary Couple for the Central Region Worldwide Marriage Encounter Committee of Telephorous and Margaret Chigwenembe commissioned the ‘Circle’ towards the end of Mass that was co-celebrated by Rev. Fr. Henderson Kumbasa, of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin who is the Parish Priest and Rev. Fr. Jos Kuppens of the Missionaries of Africa who is a long-time member of the Worldwide Marriage Encounter in Malawi.

Mr. and Mrs. Chigwenembe took turns in presenting a prepared speech marking the launch of the St. Padre Pio Circle and described a Circle as a terminology used in the Marriage Encounter to mean an independent group.

“A ‘Circle’ to us simply means a recognised independent group of members either from one parish or several parishes. The main objective of this Church group is to deepen family-based love for those members that are married, and for priest and Catholic nun members, it helps them deepening the understanding of the working encounter with Christians,” the couple presented.

They said that the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Central Region Chapter in Malawi has 19 priest and 11 Nun-members including Rt. Rev. Vincent Fredrick Mwakhwawa the Auxiliary Bishop of Archdiocese of Lilongwe.

They also outlined the reasons that qualified St. Padre Pio to be awarded the ‘Circle’ status on that day.

“When Padre Pio was an outstation of St. Andrew Kaggwa Parish, all members were meeting under Kaggwa Circle.  Now after St. Padre Pio was made Parish, the Central Region leaders saw that the members at St. Padre Pio were enough to form their own circle, hence our gathering to launch this new circle,” they said.

The Secretary Couple also commissioned a family of Counsels Tione and Susan Namanja as the first Chair-Couple for the Circle.

Fr. Jos Kuppens asked the Circle leadership to maintain the momentum they displayed on the launch day and enrich it so that the future generation should enjoy the fruits of the seeds they are planting.

On his part, Fr. Henderson Kumbasa thanked the Central Region Community for flocking to his parish covering long distances.

“Your coming means a lot not only to us but also to God. The level of commitment you have shown speaks volumes about yourselves. You have an approach to this as a mission. Surely, you have strengthened this new Circle and I hope they have learnt through observation. You have laid a good foundation for them to easily get to work,” he said.

St. Padre Pio Parish was inaugurated as parish on September 9, 2023 by His Grace George Desmond Tambala, prelate of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe.