ETHIOPIA: Resurrection is the Cornerstone of Christian Faith Says Cardinal Berhaneyesus

His Eminence Cardinal Berhaneyesus

Bezawit Assefa

According to the Ethiopian calendar, the Catholic Church in Ethiopia will celebrate Easter on the 5th of May 2024 Ethiopia. His Eminence Cardinal Berhaneyesus gave his speech by wishing Easter blessings to all Christians and people of goodwill.

The Cardinal marked that Jesus wasn’t forced to suffer but driven by love and a desire for humanity’s well-being, Jesus willingly surrendered himself. The sacrifice of Jesus cleanses us from our sins. The first man, Adam, driven by pride, desired godliness and caused humanity’s fall. In contrast, Christ the new Adam, brought glory and resurrection through humility (Romans 5; Philippians 2).

He then highlighted that the Resurrection is the cornerstone of our Christian faith – the ultimate good news. It shows us that death is not the end.  As Saint Paul wrote in Romans 6; through baptism, we symbolically die with Christ to sin and rise with him to a new life.  Christ’s resurrection isn’t just about human redemption; it’s a promise of restoration for all creation.

“The resurrection revived the hope of the disciples by shattering their doubt. The beloved disciple’s faith, perhaps remembering Jesus’ words whispered close, led him to stand bravely by the cross. He embraced the suffering, reaching the threshold of the resurrection’s profound mystery.” His Eminence adds.

On this Easter Sunday, His Eminence prays that the love and mercy of Jesus Christ may heal the sick and bring comfort to those who grieve, secure the release of those unjustly imprisoned and grant strength to those facing troubles and suffering.

Recognizing the critical situation in Ethiopia, His Eminence urges everyone to unite in supporting those who have been forcibly displaced from their homes, particularly those still suffering the ongoing war in the northern regions, especially Adigrat, Bahir Dar-Dessie, and Afar.