KENYA: Bishops Call for Political Will to Unite Turkana, Pokot Communities

Bishop Juma and Bishop Mbinda lead the faithful in the Peace walk
Morline Olala
Bishop Henry Juma Odonya of the Catholic Diocese of Kitale and his counterpart Bishop John Mbinda of Lodwar Diocese have called on political leaders from Turkana and West Pokot counties to show political will to unite the communities living along the borders of the two counties, to prevent further loss of lives and livelihoods.
Speaking on Sunday 10th March 2024 during a cross-border peace Mass held at Kaninuk border of Kitale and Lodwar Dioceses, the two Church leaders expressed great concern about the sorry state of affairs at the border areas and said there is an urgent need for political leadership in the region to unite the Pokot and Turkana people, show them the way to peace, stability, and development.
“We are saddened by the state of insecurity characterized by raids, attacks on individuals, families, highway attacks, and police stations which has resulted in rape cases, deaths, people disappearing, orphans, widows and bitterness. Some attacks take place during the day”, read part of a statement the bishops delivered on behalf of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB).
Prior to the Peace Mass, the two Bishops held meetings with community leaders of Pokot and Turkana living along the borders where some of the issues fueling border conflicts were identified including disputed boundaries and duplication of administrative units along those disputed boundaries, lack of proper facilitation of security personnel to handle security issues in the area, and lack of security personnel in some areas like Loima that does not even have a police post.
The bishops noted with concern that because of these conflicts, many children from both counties do not go to school as stipulated in the national government education policy which states compulsory education as a right of every child. They called on the government to ensure that these children have access to education and education facilities.
The Bishops’ concern was reiterated by Turkana South Deputy County Commissioner Mr. Gideon Ombugi who said that even spiritual leaders including priests have to be escorted by security personnel when they go to celebrate Mass, while agricultural activities have been brought to a halt due to such security threats.
In their statement, the Bishops thanked the government for deploying security personnel who are doing a good job in the area, and requested the government to provide them with ample security gears and equipment to enable them work efficiently.
They asked the government to expedite on the declaration of the boundaries between the two counties as this will eliminate duplication of administrative units as well as enable locals to live where they wish in conformity with the constitution.
The Bishops underscored the responsibility of the local people, including the counties leadership, in ensuring a peaceful coexistence. They have asked them to maintain calm, restrict themselves from any counter attacks, be ambassadors of peace and harmony, and refuse to be used by selfish individuals to disrupt peace. They urged the leadership of the two counties led by Excellencies the Governors, members of county assembly, members of parliament, and other political leaders to play their role in fostering peace, harmony, and good neighbourhood.
This Peace Mass was a follow-up on the North Rift Peace Initiative that was launched by the KCCB through the Catholic Justice and Peace Department, on 3rd July 2023, to champion and foster peace between communities living in the North Rift Region of Kenya, covered by the dioceses of Lodwar, Kitale, Eldoret, Nakuru, Ngong, Marsabit and Nyahururu.
The Mass which was preceded by a peace walk from Turkwel Gorge junction to All Saints Parish Kainuk, gave the two communities a rare opportunity to mingle without tension although with presence of security personnel. According to Kitale Diocese CJPD Coordinator Mr. Edward Shibanda, this was the beginning of Yearly celebration of Peace Mass in the area during every third week of lent.
The Peace Mass is the second of its kind – for the Catholic Diocese of Kitale- following the yearly Peace Mass at Kapsait boarder of Pokot and Marakwet communities that was started over twenty years ago by the late Bishop of Eldoret Cornelius Korir, and Kitale’s founding Bishop Maurice Crowley. Kapsait Peace Mass is held on every 1st day of January and has been very successful in fostering peaceful coexistence between the communities.