ZAMBIA: Church, Government Strive to Strengthen Partnership for Quality Education in Zambia

Sandra Kunda
ZCCB Education Secretary Rev Fr. Leonard Namuhumba has implored the Ministry of Technology and Science to work together with the Catholic Church in order to address rigidities affecting skill development institutions in Zambia.
Citing the pivotal role of the government in providing adequate education, National Education Secretary Father Leonard Namuhumba expressed the belief in the government’s duty to ensure all citizens have access to quality education, as stated in the Bishops’ 2004 Pastoral Letter.
Fr Namuhumba said this at the meeting between Heads of Catholic Skills Training Institutions and representatives from the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) held recently at Kasisi Retreat Center in Lusaka.
And the Department of Education at the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) has reaffirmed its commitment to collaborative efforts with the government in providing quality education.
Expressing gratitude towards TEVETA for its collaboration with the Church’s skills training centers and institutions Fr. Namuhumba, is optimistic that this partnership will yield tangible results.
Highlighting Zambia’s need for entrepreneurs and quality skills for self-empowerment and industry Fr. Namuhumba said the “Catholic Church sees education as both academic and vocational.”
Meanwhile TEVETA Director General Cleophas Takaiza commended the Catholic Church for supplementing the government’s efforts in providing skills training where the government has not reached yet.
He says, “the training skill dotted in the rural areas has been helping communities to gain skills that are life changing thereby improving livelihoods.”
Mr. Takaiza has since called on the Catholic Church for continued efforts to provide skills to those who are under-privileged.
This meeting marks the second occasion where TEVETA Management has been invited to provide guidance on technical education, emphasizing the importance of their ongoing interaction.