ETHIOPIA: Secretary General of Ethiopia Conference Appointed Co-adjutor Bishop of Emdibir Eparchy

Rev. Father Teshome Fikre
By: Bezawit Assefa
The Holy Father on Saturday, December 16, appointed the Reverend Teshome Fikre Woldetensae, until now protosyncellus of the Eparchy of Emdibir, Ethiopia, and secretary general of the Inter ritual Episcopal Conference of Ethiopia, as coadjutor bishop of the same circumscription.
A Coadjutor Bishop is a Bishop who learns, practices, and offers support until the resignation of the Diocesan Bishop is approved by the Holy Father. As His Excellency Bishop Mussie, Bishop of the Eparchy of Emdibir, will retire in the coming July 2024, Father Teshome will be consecrated in February and will be ready to support the Bishop of Emdibir.
Rev. Father Teshome said that he is grateful to the Holy Father, the Catholic Bishops in Ethiopia and all faithful for believing in him and accompaniment. Continuing, Father Teshome calls for all Catholics to support him in Prayers and support.
Rev. Father Teshome Fikre joined the seminary 1992 and began his institutional studies in philosophy and theology at the Saint Francis Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Addis Abeba.
He was ordained a priest for the Eparchy of Emdibir on 11 January 1998, and completed his studies in Rome, where he was awarded a doctorate in oriental canon law.
Currently Rev. Father Teshome is the Secretary General of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia General Secretariat. The Ethiopian Catholic Bishops Conference express heartfelt congratulations on the appointment of Father. Teshome Fikre.