KENYA: Prelate of Nakuru Diocese Reminded To Be Up to Task of Shepherd

Bishop Osesso in Kisumu
Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
Months after the Episcopal Consecration of the Local Ordinary of Kenya’s Nakuru Diocese, Bishop Cleophas Oseso Tuka which was on 6 May 2023, the Prelate has been reminded of his ability and potential to lead the people of God in the Diocese.
During the Thanksgiving Mass in Kisumu Archdiocese where Bishop Oseso who is five months old in the ministry as a bishop hails from, Archbishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba stressed his surety of what the new Bishop of Nakuru Diocese is capable of and that he
Having worked with Bishop Oseso in Nakuru as the Vicar General of the Diocese from 2019 for about three years before being appointed the Archbishop of the Metropolitan See of Kisumu, Archbishop Muhatia said, “I know his capability and what he is able to do.”
The Archbishop’s message echoes his description of Bishop Oseso after the Pope’s appointment when he said in an interview, “I know what you (Bishop Oseso) are capable of doing and I am assured that with you as the new Shepherd, brighter days of Nakuru lie ahead…. I am confident that you will work closely with the Christian faithful of Nakuru in carrying forward the work of evangelization. May you continue in the same spirit of zeal and love for the Church and for the work of evangelization.”
While addressing thousands of congregants who graced the Saturday, November 4, occasion, the Archbishop further called on the Christians from Nakuru including the clergy and Religious to care for their Shepherd well since they too are able and always willing to fulfill their responsibility.
“I know who you are, I know what you can do, I know the love you have for your Diocese, and I know that Bishop Oseso is in good hands,” Archbishop Muhatia told the Christians whom he served in Nakuru for over a decade adding that, “This I have not been told by anybody but I know and we are aware that you will take good care of our son.
On his part, Bishop Oseso who was delighted because of the warm welcome in his home Archdiocese for the Thanksgiving Mass, appreciated the love he received from the people of God and asked for continued prayers and God’s blessings.
In his reflection, while sharing with the Christians the homily, Bishop Oseso who once served as a financial administrator and parochial vicar in Rochester Diocese, New York while heading Nakuru Diocese Mission Appeal office in New York, USA, highlighted three key issues Christians should embrace from Christ’s message.
“There are these three issues that you should reflect on as Christians: Come to him, take his yoke, and learn from him,” the Bishop shared in his homily during the Saturday Thanksgiving Mass at Tumsifu Centre, Kisumu adding “We have a lot of burdens in life that weigh us down, but if we cannot present these to him, we cannot manage alone.”
“We have social, economic, health, and spiritual burdens and this is why Jesus is telling us ‘Come to me’ and so if we bring our burdens to Him in prayer, He will help us carry them,” he said.
Speaking about taking the yoke of Christ, the Prelate narrated that Jesus’ invitation is for Christians to have fellowship with him. “It is an invitation to partnership so that we go the same way with Christ who connects himself with us and wants us to connect with him in return.”
The Bishop added, “The invitation to a life of Faith is an invitation to walk with Jesus. When we unite in our community, our organizations, our parish, and our Diocese, it brings strength and new life. This is the union Jesus prayed for that we may be one.”
Winding his homily with the aspect of learning from Christ, the Prelate who has been at the helm of Nakuru Diocese since his appointment in February 2023, noted that the Christian life is “a life to follow.”
“Christians follow the rules, follow instructions follow the teachings of the church among others. As students, we therefore have the responsibility to listen to our teacher the Christ who teaches us every day,” Bishop Oseso said and continued, “He invites us to look at what he is doing and imitate him.”
The Local Ordinary of Nakuru Diocese crowned his visit in the Archdiocese of Kisumu by celebrating homecoming Mass in his home Parish of Ukwala on Sunday, November 5, where the Parish priest Fr. Oliver Tambo assured him of support from the Christians, especially in his ministry.
“As Christians of Ukwala, we promise to stand with you, to pray with you and for you and always to support you spiritually,” Fr. Tambo shared during the Mass in Ukwala parish asking for God’s protection upon the Bishop.