SECAM: African Delegates to Reflect on Experiences and Lessons at Post Synodal Webinar

Poster announcing the Upcoming Webinar. Credit ASI
Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
A section of synod delegates from Africa who attended the monthlong XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops which took place from 4-29, October in Rome is set to share their experiences, insights, and lessons learned during the assembly at a virtual session slated to take place on Wednesday, November 15.
As the synod stresses inclusivity of all the baptized and walking together without leaving anyone behind, the upcoming webinar being organized by the African Synodality Initiative (ASI) will comprise of a Prelate, clerics, a religious woman, and one laity.
ASI is a partnership between the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM), the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), and the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA).
In a message shared with AMECEA online by the ASI Program Coordinator, Ms. Caroline Kavita, on Monday, October 30, the post-synodal meeting “aims to generate creative ideas and resources to support local churches in Africa and enable them to engage fruitfully and constructively in the synodal process.”
Keynote message during the webinar themed ‘Walking the Synodal Path: Reflections on the Synod on Synodality – Voices from Africa’ will be given by a Cameroonian prelate Archbishop Andrew Nkea of Bamenda, the president of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (NECC) and a member of the Ordinary Council of the Synod, appointed by Pope Francis.
The opening remarks for the Wednesday webinar will be given by Fr. Rafael Simbine from Mozambique and currently the Secretary General of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) and a delegate to the synod.
Other panelists include Sr. Marie Solange Randrianirina the Regional Provincial of the Daughters of Saint Paul (FSP) in Madagascar, Fr. Anthony Makunde the Secretary General of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA), and Ms. Sheila Pires the communications officer of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) who was the Secretary of the Synod Information Commission during the assembly.
The virtual session will be moderated by Fr. Andrew Kaufa, the Coordinator of the Social Communications department of AMECEA, and a consultor to the Dicastery for Communication at the Vatican who was with the communication team in Rome for the monthlong meeting.
To join the upcoming discussion which will be in both English and French languages, register through the link here.