SOUTH SUDAN: “Be like Saint Oscar Romeo who Advocated for Justice” American Bishop to Catholic University Students in South Sudan

Auxiliary Bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington while in South Sudan
Ginaba Lino
The Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has, on Tuesday 12, September 2023, urged Students of Catholic University in South Sudan to be like Saint Oscar who advocated for justice in Salvador.
Bishop Evelio Menjivar Ayala addressed the Catholic University students in South Sudan, while delivering keynote address at the institute of Justice and Peace in Juba.
The aim of Bishop Evelio’s visit to Catholic University of Juba was to deliver a keynote speech to students who are at the Institute of Justice and peace on the lives of Saint Oscar Romeo, the prophet of Nonviolence and peace.
Bishop Menjivar Ayala urged students at the Institute of Justice and Peace to always think of what they can do to make their nation better.
“Ask yourself, as young people what can I do to make my nation, my neighborhood, my family, my community better.”
As students who are in the department of justice and peace, you should be like Oscar Romeo who spoke profound moral authority, Said the Auxiliary Bishop.”
“Romeo spoke with profound moral authority, absolutely deprive of all political power. He was not interested in political power and he was away from any self-interest of personal gain. His main weapon, was his own moral characters of a pastor totally committed to Christ. And I advise all of you to do the same like Oscar.”
He called on the students of Justice and Peace to be very conscious of the specific and concrete historical time and place in which they live.
“As Christians and human beings in general, we must be very conscious of the specific and concrete historical time and place in which we live, in which we are planted.”
The Auxiliary Bishop said, faith in history determines how people respond to the specific challenges and opportunities of their time.
He called on the students at the department of Justice and Peace to follow the footstep of great people like Nelson Mandela who accepted the challenges and fought for Justice.
“Think of Nelson Mandela, Gandi, Martin Luther, Mother Teresa, and Josephine Bakhita. They are great men and women because they responded with greatness to the specific challenges of their time and situation in which they live.”
The Catholic prelate encouraged Students not to give up in their live because the challenges they face are opportunities to prove their correctness.
“You have a purpose here, the challenges you face today are opportunities. They are opportunities God is giving you to prove your correctness. Perhaps, not everyone here will be able to do great and big things according to human standard, but what you do although it’s something very small, do it with hope.”
Whatever you do, do it with greatness, do it with love, and that will make the difference, “The Auxiliary Bishop of Washington states.”
He added that Oscar became truly the voice of the voiceless by openly pleaded with the military government of Salverdale in 1980.
“The protection from Saint Oscar was the power of his wards that never sees to plead for the end of violent, he became truly the voice of the voiceless by much of 1980 he openly pleaded with the military government and even with individual solders to end the brutal violence.”
The director for Justice and Peace at Catholic University in Juba Sister Janet Kiden appreciated the Auxiliary Bishop from Archdiocese of Washington for lecturing Students on the life of Saint Oscar.
Sister Kiden stated that, there is a need for more massages and commitment to non-violence and peacefulness has Saint Oscar lived and taught for the whole of his life.
She added that South Sudan is a new country emerging out of the ravages of war, and people need wards precisely from the prophet of peace who witness the bitterness of what violence can do to humanity.
The Catholic nun said, the Institute of Justice and Peace studies was stablished in 2017 to provide academic programs, contact research, and engage in community outreach on issues of social justice, non-violence and peacebuilding.
The Institute of Justice and Peace studies try to steal the minds of the young people and the society in general that live without war is possible, Sister Kiden narrated.”
“We have suffered for several years and experience in humanity, and poverty due to war and violence, the Institute tries to offer a different view of a peaceful place where people live in solidarity, respect the vulnerable, respect people’s rights and where peace is promoted by all.”
The catholic nun encouraged the Students at Justice and Peace to pick one thing from Saint Oscar Romeo because it’s their responsibility to prepare for the future.
“It is the responsibility of the young people to prepare for the future, for that dream for which Saint Oscar Romeo worked and died. A world where there will be peace, justice and respect of humanity.”