ERITREA: After Missing out in Lisbon for Word Youth Day, Eritrea Convenes National Event for Youth

Communication Desk of Eritrean Catholic Secretariat
Weeks after the Holy Father marked the end of 2023 World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon, Portugal where the young people from the horn of Africa in Eritrea were unable to participate, the Eritrea Catholic Secretariat (ErCS) through its Pastoral Department convened a National Catholic Youth Day to share on their experiences.
The three-day workshop which took place from 25-27 August, was held at Mary Covenant of Mercy in the Archeparchial Cathedral Church of Mariam Kidanemihret.
Archbishop Menghisteab Tesfamariam of Asmara Archdiocese who was the main celebrant of the Holy Eucharist at the opening session of the event, reflected on the theme of WYD “Mary set out and travelled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah” which was drawn from the Gospel of Luke (1:39).
“God visits his people in many ways and in all manners and our response should be to accept that visitation as did Mary, and to visit others with this experience,” the Archbishop shared with the young people from the four Eparchies in Eritrea adding that “Mary’s response to the angel’s message was a response given on behalf of all mankind, and she went further to proclaim the good news to her relative Elizabeth.”

Archbishop Tesfamariam a member of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus (MCCI) further reminded the youths to be aware that they are not only the future of the country but also of the Church, telling them to actively participate in the life of the church and remain united in their faith.
On her part, the first Religious nun to head Catholic Secretariat in EBC Sr. Tsegereda Yonannes encouraged the young people to feel inspired by Mary’s visit to Elizabeth and be ready and committed to helping the old and sick.
The member of Comboni Missionary Sisters (CMS) reminded the young people to also be thankful for the opportunity to come together here and embrace unity in diversity, emphasizing that the youths are the main engine for change in the society hence the need to strive and dedicate their energy to building a just and peaceful world.

The National youth day event was colored with various programs including; Seminars, Panel discussions, eucharistic adoration, daily masses, hymns and experience sharing. Other thematic area discussed with the youths during the workshop were on relationships, vocation, prayer, the Church, pressing issues of the young.
Consequently, Fr. Solomon Mihreteab shared with the youths on a theme from Pope Francis Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit on “young people with roots” asking the youths to be always smart enough not to be influenced by the wind of globalization, to avoid superficial life and to see their internal beauty.
“spirituality without God and negligence for elderly and poor are becoming more dominating phenomenon at this time and you, as young and future of the church should be genuine and far sighted” he shared with young people.
The Secretary General of the Archeparchy of Asmara Fr. Thomas Negash while closing the event after the three-day workshop on Sunday, August 27, the feat day of St. Monica in the Catholic church, urged the young people to follow the example of our Mother Mary and work hard to spread the gospel.
He reflected on the unceasing prayers of St. Monica, which led to the conversion of her son, St. Augustine, and encouraged not only the youths but also parents to pray zealously for their children.
The National Catholic Youth Day was a special event for the Catholic church in Eritrea in general and for the catholic youth in particular where the youths were united in spirit and the occasion enabled them to praise God despite all the challenges they experience in the rather difficult and often volatile situation of the country.