UGANDA: Priests Urged Emulate Servant Stewardship

Priests of the diocese of Kasese
Masereka Peter
Priests of the diocese of Kasese have been challenged to be men of service than titles, Rev. Fr. Venereto Babaine a missionary of Africa based in Zambia has vowed.
His call was made shortly after he accompanied the priests in their annual retreat at St. Paul National Major Seminary-Kinyamaseka in Fort Portal city. At the retreat that begun Sunday 09th July-15th July 2023, Fr. Vereneto called on priests to be relevant to the people and build God’s kingdom on earth by promoting and defending human dignity in doing servant leadership.
Fr. Vereneto said the title of a priest goes with a responsibility that calls one to be ready to sacrifice his life for the salvation of all, as Jesus Christ that high priest did in lowering himself and washed the feet of his disciple as a sign of simplicity.
He encouraged priests to dedicate their lives to prayers and offering Sacraments on top of promoting education for all, health care services and evangelization as well as living as brothers in Christ.
The Vicar General of the diocese of Kasese Msgr. Landaus Bwambale who presided over the closing Mass commended the diocesan treasurer for his support and simplicity. He said as the Biblical Joseph whop forgive his brothers who sold him, priest should also forgive each other and forget about revenge in bid to live in harmony as brothers and sisters.
On his part, the Diocesan Vocational Director, Rev. Fr. Joseph Tumusiime said the retreat helped priests to discern and meditate on their priestly life, adding that after being commissioned by Christ they come fully empowered to serve believers in Christ with holy heart and mind.
The retreat was celebrated under the theme “Journey from Galilee to Jerusalem.”