MALAWI: Malawi Catholic Church Launches 2023 World Mission Sunday Preparations

Bishop Musikuwa after lighting the candle
Brenard Mwanza
The Catholic Church in Malawi has launched three months preparations for the World Mission Sunday slated for 22nd October 2023.
The Eucharistic celebration marking the launch took place at Our Lady of the Poor Ngabu Parish, Diocese of Chikwawa, which is leading this year’s world mission Sunday celebrations after taking over from the Diocese of Mangochi which led last year’s celebrations.
In his homily, Right Reverend Peter Musikuwa, Bishop of the Diocese of Chikwawa encouraged Christians never to be afraid of spreading the good news to other people as this is the only way of sharing their faith.
He added that through baptism God loved us and through the Eucharist everyone is fully God’s child and that serving Him is an obligation.
‘‘We are called to participate in spreading the Gospel and we should help the Church in that. We should not be selfish by keeping the word to ourselves. In being selfish, we are living contrary to our baptism,’’ Bishop Musikuwa said.
He further asked that, ‘‘If we stay idle, are we wishing the Church good? Are we helping those who fought for the existence of Christianity? We should stand up and help share the good news.”
Speaking on behalf of the PMS National Director the Very Reverend Father Vincent Mwakhwawa, Mangochi Diocesan PMS Director Father Paul Rappozo said, ‘‘Missionary work does not look at what people have materially but what is inside the heart which is Faith that needs to be shared to many’’.
Both Father Ignacio Yohane who heads the PMS Office in the Diocese of Chikwawa and the Diocesan Laity Council Secretary Iteshi Leza pledged their commitment in ensuring smooth preparations ahead of the Mission Sunday.
They added that they will encourage one another to achieve what is required of the Mission month of October which includes praying, contributing funds, and doing charity.
The World Mission Sunday is a day set aside for the Catholic Church throughout the world to publicly renew its commitment to the missionary movement, coordinated by the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS). This year the day will be celebrated under the theme, ‘‘Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move’’ (Luke 24:13-35)
The three months preparations launched on Sunday at Ngabu Parish in the Diocese of Chikwawa is part of the church’s plans to have successful celebrations in October.
Prior to the launch, the Pontifical Mission Societies in Malawi engaged different Church groups to equip them with much understanding of the Mission Sunday and also to lobby for their support in reaching out to more Christians in their respective communities.