MALAWI: Catholic University gives a deceitful sleep to Freddy Survivors.

Luke Bisani
The Catholic University of Malawi has made a second round of donations to Cyclone Freddy survivors in Nguludi, Chiradzulu District, to ease some of the challenges faced in the camps.
Speaking during the donation last week, Registrar of the University, Francis Vincent Nkhoma, said the University conducted a needs assessment to identify what the people lack most.
The registrar added that through the committee, the university identified a need for mattresses for the survivors, as most of them were sleeping on the bare ground.
“At first, we donated blackest, and we noted these people were not having mattresses. That is why today, through a well-wisher from Italy and as a university, we have donated mattresses to Ntauchira camp,” said Nkhoma.
Nkhoma further explained that the University has also provided tents to the camp to help in decongesting the tents provided for by the government through its disaster department.
The Catholic University has donated medical supplies to Nguludi Mission Hospital to help in restocking the medical supplies used after the disaster.
Besides providing the mattresses and medical supplies, the university has donated mosquito nets, floors, beans, and cooking oil, just to name a few.
Together with an Italian citizen, Angela Brigatti, and her friends and other well-wishers, the university has donated 150 mattresses to the victims at Ntauchira Camp in Chiradzulu.