UGANDA: Bishop Baharagate Laid to Rest at Our Lady of Lourdes Bujumbura Cathedral

During the send off of Bishop Baharagate

Masereka Peter

The late Dr. Albert Edward Baharagate Akiiki, the Bishop Emeritus of Hoima Catholic Diocese in Uganda has been laid to rest with a call on the clergy to be humble servants of God and contribute towards the development of the church.

Bishop Baharagate was buried on Wednesday 12th April 2023 at Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral Bujumbura in Hoima City.

In his Homily during the requiem Mass presided by the Archbishop of Mbarara His Grace Lambert Bainomugisha, the Ordinary of Fort Portal Diocese Bishop Robert Muhiirwa described the deceased as a man of prayer who celebrated Holy Mass and embraced cordial cooperation with the clergy and laity.
Bishop Muhirwa who is also the Vice Chairperson of the Uganda Episcopal conference said that despite his busy schedules, the late Bishop kept close contact with his friends and relatives, and above all, he loved the children, youth, and elderly and used sports as a tool of evangelization.

Bishop Vincent Kirabo of Hoima Catholic Diocese says the Diocese has lost a father, brother, wonderful friend, and humble servant of God whose contributions to the church will never be forgotten.

Bishop Kirabo added that the late lived a peaceful life and that he was a man of God who fought a good fight and had spiritual visibility, adding that the late Baharagate had unconditional love for the church, supported integral development, and a team player.

On his part, Bishop Joseph Anthony Ziiwa the Chairperson of the Uganda Episcopal Conference said the deceased will be remembered for his simplicity, humility, time management, and friendliness. He encouraged the people of God to be faithful to their profession and inspired the youth to love God.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in his message read by Hon. Robinah Nabbanja the Prime Minister said that the country has lost a great, potential, and hardworking religious leader who used his position to rally the public to embrace peace, unity, and development adding that he will be remembered for his humility and truthfulness.

President Museveni said that the late Bishop was a dependable, dedicated, and wise leader who executed distinguished service to God and his country.

The president rallied religious leaders in the country to help the government and sensitize the public to participate in the available government programs including the Parish Development model-PDM and Emyooga to achieve social-economic transformation in order to be in the money economy.

Also in attendance was the Papal Nuncio to Uganda Most Rev. Luigi Bianco, Rt. Rev. Joseph Franzelli the Bishop Emeritus Lira Diocese, Bishop Francis Kibira of the Diocese of Kasese, Bishop Damiano Giulio Guzzetti, M.C.C.I. of Moroto Diocese and Bishop Egidio Nkaijanabo the Emeritus of Kasese among others Bishop from Uganda.