MALAWI: Catholic Women in Malawi Ready to Protect Children from Violent Conflicts

Catholic Women Organization

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

Members of the Catholic Women Organization CWO) in Malawi have promised to take lead in the prevention of violent conflicts on children upon the realization that amidst the freedom of religious diversity in the country, there are “both positive and negative aspects of violence against children.”

CWO is an association of Catholic women whose mission is “to bring the Kingdom of God to all through the promotion of unity and integral development of all Catholic women in Malawi,” in order to fulfil their mandate of evangelization and to work for human development.

In a statement shared with AMECEA Online after a week-long meeting held at Malawi Institute of Management (MIM) in Lilongwe, the women in collaboration with the Catholic Men Organization (CMO) and Catholic Youth Council in Malawi (CYCM), discussed issues which continue to contribute to violent conflicts that are affecting children in the country.

The women noted that the country continues to increasingly experience negative religious ideological extremism and that cases of religious and cultural practices area also exposing children and t youth to violence.

If immediate action to address violent conflicts on children is not taken, the women said in their message signed by the CWO national leadership on Thursday, March 30, “The country is likely to miss the Global United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its national agenda on children.”

The women who are inspired by the Church’s teachings from the Gospel of Mathew the Apostle that “let the little children come to me…,” commit to undertake their role on “capacity building on Church doctrines, parenting and respect of human rights.”

The forum that was held under the theme, “The role of women in preventing children from violent conflicts in Malawi,” was convened by the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) after recognizing the important role that women are playing in the Church and African society. It brought together Catholic Women Organization leadership from all the eight dioceses of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM).

For the successful realization of the thematic areas of concern, the CWO in Malawi intend to involve different actors in carrying out various activities towards prevention of violent conflicts on children.

To members of ECM, the women organization who in December this year will mark 50 years of their existence promise to “lobby for continued support from the bishops, the clergy and the Religious in advancing issues of child protection and safeguarding.”

Among other activities with ECM, the Catholic women hope to “undertake meaningful coordination with all the commissions under the conference and other Church groups in implementing various programs on emerging issues of violence against children,” and conduct capacity building trainings for Catholic Women on the Church teachings on how to work with other Churches and religious groups.

Additionally, the women intend to “enhance pastoral care, continuous accompaniment and conscience formation of the young people, pay special attention to violence meted on children with special needs and facilitate dissemination of the conferences child protection policy at all levels within the CWO and other groups in the Church.”

To members of CMO, the Catholic women commit to build a strong working relationship towards protection of children, and besides capacity building among the membership, the women will take active role in advocating for conducive family environments for children.

On their promise of activities with the Catholic youths, members of CWO intend to promote the culture of breaking silence against various abuses and violence faced by children and young people, enhance awareness creation and carry out campaigns within the learning institutions on the role and responsibilities of young people in eradicating violence against children.

To the government of Malawi, the Catholic women promise to facilitate conversations with Religious leaders in examining laws and policies that target eradication of violence against children and strengthen all mechanisms that target child protection.

Members of CWO appreciated the efforts made so far by ECM, ecumenical and religious organizations in the prevention of violence against children and the Government for putting in place laws and policies regarding protection of children.

The forum was organized with support from Aid to Church in Need (ACN) an international Catholic charity organization based in Germany.