KENYA: Hundreds of Clergy Concelebrate Chrism Mass with Archbishop Anyolo to Mark the Beginning of Paschal Triduum

By Elizabeth Asasha.
Archbishop Philip Subira Anyolo of Nairobi Archdiocese on Thursday, April 6, 2023, led hundreds of diocesan and religious priests in renewing their priestly vows in a concelebrated Chrism Mass held at the Holy Family Minor Basilica in Kenya’s Capital, Nairobi.
In the largest annual gathering of a presbyter of clergy and faithful, traditionally marked on Maundy Thursday in the Latin liturgical calendar, Catholics celebrate the institution of the priesthood, engrained in Jesus’ words at the Last Supper, “Do this in memory of me.”
“During this solemn liturgy, all the priests of the archdiocese of Nairobi and all others who are priests here present, together with their shepherds shall commit themselves anew to the Lord in the priestly ministry of ministering to the people of God; the flock of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Stated Archbishop Anyolo in his preamble.
While demystifying the mystery of salvation through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Anyolo called on all believers present to renew their baptismal promises as the ordained clergy reaffirmed their ministry by renewing their priestly vows made at their ordination.
“We are celebrating priesthood asking God to renew our lives, hearts, and commitment to serve him in the priesthood especially the priesthood of the sacrament of ordination but not excluding the priesthood of the sacrament of baptism, which is the common priesthood.” Said the prelate in the Thursday morning mass, right before the beginning of the solemn Easter Triduum.
Recalling the mystery of priesthood that Christ instituted on the last supper, the principal celebrant, Anyolo, urged the congregation to discern the celebration of Christ’s passion as more than just a par value commemoration of his death, stressing that it is a heraldry of abundant life, joy, and a solid sense of unity with God.
“The mystery of salvation helps men and women to be familiar with the foundations of our faith which are meant for our redemption, the redemption that takes place in this Easter triduum through Jesus Christ, our Lord.” He explained.
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue, Archbishop Emeritus of Nairobi Archdiocese, noted that the celebration is a moment of serious self-involvement and examination urging Catholics to prepare to celebrate the solemnity of Easter genuinely and existentially, in communion with Christ.
“Let us thank the Lord then for this opportunity that He gives to us every year that we may be well prepared to celebrate the feast of the resurrection of the Lord,” Observed Kenya’s second Cardinal adding, “The celebration should not be just a kind of physical presence; but an existential experience of our communion with our Lord Jesus Christ who has redeemed us through his passion, death, and resurrection.”
Cardinal Njue also advised Christians to extend help and support to all groups in the Catholic Church to ensure that everyone honors and commemorates this significant feast of the redemption of mankind in the Christian faith.
He said, “In light of the identity and levels he has bestowed upon us, let us ensure that we help those who are with us, whether they are PMC members or the youth, so that our solemnity may be appropriately observed by the entire family line of God.”
Archbishop Anyolo further explained that Jesus’ decision to reveal his wounds to the disciples was not an act of reprisal but rather a demonstration of the selfless love he had for them to the point of death and an exhortation to believers to follow in his example.
In his homily, the chief celebrant Philip Anyolo drew on the readings from the book of Isaiah to spread the message of love and unity among God’s people while explaining God’s proclamation of the salvation of mankind to demonstrate His love for all.
‘God wants us to be saved and be united in him that all may be one, that is why he revealed, through prophet Isaiah, and his many other prophets that he will send unto us his only begotten son the messiah and our redeemer Jesus Christ.” He preached.
As it is the tradition during Chrism Mass, the prelate blessed and sanctified the holy oils; the oil of the sick, the oil of the catechumens, and the holy Chrism oil to be used in the church’s sacramental life per the messianic anointing enshrined in the holy scriptures.
‘It is a very happy day because each one of us who is a priest is not only here in Nairobi but all over the world we renew our promises asking God to be with us, to guide us, to give us his graces and blessings so that we can continue to do the work that he has called us to do.” Remarked Fr. Francis Kiarie who serves at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church in Nairobi Archdiocese.
“It is a very wonderful day because we the priests renew our commitments to God, asking him to be with us, guide us, and grant us his graces and blessings so that we can accomplish the work that he has called us carryout, not just here in Nairobi but all over the world.” Remarked Fr. Francis Kiarie, a priest at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church in the Nairobi Archdiocese.
“We are all spiritually and physically sick, and our Christian journey is a journey that requires constant healing so these oils are very essential in this ministry,” the cleric said, emphasizing the importance of the holy oils to the life of a Christian.
Archbishop Anyolo emboldened the faithful to tirelessly soldier on with their ministries noting that, “it is going to be quite a difficult time when we have to dispense by all means the graces and the love of God to the people of God in this season of Triduum and season of the resurrection of our Lord.”
He concluded the Eucharistic celebration by commissioning all present to go home and celebrate this triduum in the best way possible, do the procession in a manner that brings us reconciliation with God and brings us closer to Him and blesses everybody that you meet with the peace of Christ.
Upon conclusion of the Eucharistic celebration, the Archbishop gave everyone in attendance a mission: to go home and celebrate the triduum as best they could; to conduct the procession in a way that would bring them closer to God; and to bless everyone they encountered with the peace of Christ.
“Tired as you may be, don’t give up, Serve the Lord with gladness.” He concluded.