UGANDA: Kampala Archdiocese Steps Up Efforts in Environmental Protection

Credit: Courtesy Photo

Fr. Isaac Ojok

The Archdiocese of Kampala in Uganda has prioritized care for environment as the pastoral priority in response to the cry of the Mother Earth.

This was revealed by Most Reverend Paul Ssemogerere, the Archbishop of Kampala at the climax of reflections on the 10th pontificate of Pope Francis organized by Archdiocese on Wednesday 29th March 2023.

He mentioned that taking initiative to care for ‘our common home’ as pastoral priority in Kampala Archdiocese has been inspired by Laudato Si, the beautiful encyclical letter of Pope Francis which encourages all stake holders to take action in environmental protection.

Archbishop Ssemogerere went on saying they want to use Bethany Land Institute (BLI) in Kasana Luwero as a centre where the laity can be trained, acquire knowledge in the care for environment.

Bethany Land Institute is a centre that is situated in Nandere Parish in Kasana Luwero Diocese, it is the institute founded by Rev Fr. Professor Emmanuel Katongole a priest of Kampala Archdiocese at the time when Most Reverend Paul Ssemogerere was then the Ordinary of Kasana Luwero Diocese.

He said the Institute is now open to all categories of people where they can visit to take part in the formation program on environmental conservation not only for people in Kampala Arch diocese but for every one in and beyond the country.

He went on to note that the institute is going to be a model centre of learning for other dioceses and institutions based on skills, initiatives that can be acquired to help society protect and relate well with the mother earth.

Archbishop Ssemogerere encouraged the Christians especially young people to join the institute to enable them acquire knowledge in the care for nature and as a response to the appeal made by the Holy Father Pope Francis for everyone to take initiative in environmental protection.

In his statement, the institute at the moment is running programs where participants are awarded certificates at the end of the course particularly on environmental protection,

Soon the institute will also be a center where priests, religious, Seminarians and other pastoral agents go to acquire more knowledge on environment so as to help them lay strategy in their pastoral approach towards the care for environment.

According to the report, at the time when Archbishop Paul Ssemogerere was still the Ordinary of Kasana Luwero Diocese, seminarians were sent to the institute with the aim to form them to be leaders to care for nature.

Apart from the taking initiative in the care for environment, Archbishop Ssemogerere revealed that the Archdiocese is determined to strengthen the leadership at all levels within Kampala Archdiocese to ensure spiritual, moral and pastoral growth among the people of God.

While commenting on the theme of non-violence, the Archbishop Ssemogerere decried the escalating cases of violence in their various forms which he said is degrading human dignity.

He cited example of domestic violence on women, children and also many cases of killings being registered in the country saying it is timely for the perpetrators to stop the evil that is tainting the image of the nation.
