KENYA: Trumpets Blare as Archdiocese of Nairobi Ordains New Priests and Deacons

His Eminence John Cardinal Njue & His Grace Philip Anyolo laying hands on new priests
Elizabeth Asasha
A peal of trumpets swept through the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi on Friday, February 17, during priestly and diaconate ordinations in the most senior diocese of Kenya.
Worshippers from the fourteen deaneries that constitute Nairobi Archdiocese flocked to the Holy Family Basilica in Nairobi to witness the conferment of Holy Orders on nine Religious men.
In his homily, the Archbishop of Nairobi Archdiocese His Grace Philip Subira Anyolo, focused on the theme of the Good Shepherd, urging the five deaconry candidates and four priesthood entrants to align their vocation life with the selfless shepherding of Christ.
“Personalize this image of a shepherd who is tirelessly devoted to the service of his sheep; you are a shepherd if you can give yourself totally to Christ and in that way serve the people of God without counting the cost,” said the Archbishop while officiating the ordination mass alongside His Eminence John Cardinal Njue, Archbishop Emeritus of Nairobi, Kenya.
Archbishop Anyolo further exhorted the ordained clergy to do more than just celebrate holy mass by fully immersing themselves in the spirit of Jesus Christ, the bread of life, and to devote themselves profoundly to the service of the people to whom God has assigned them.
Citing John 14:20, Archbishop Anyolo reinforced the message that a good shepherd knows his flock and strives to bring them into a close relationship with Christ, who is himself in communion with the Father saying, “It is the ultimate reality of Jesus Christ which explains all other realities.”
The Nairobi-based prelate stated that the relationship between Jesus and humanity goes beyond that of a hero who sacrifices his life for others to that of a shepherd who is expressing his “tender concern for his flock”, emphasizing the need for the deacons and priests to be the light that leads God’s people to the right path in life.
“Have a tender concern for each flock God has put under your care; protect the flock, be the light of the flock, be a center of communion, teach them to be the bread that Jesus Christ himself is to the world.” Preached His Grace as he urged the newly ordained priests and deacons to exert all of their efforts in quenching people’s thirst to refresh their ideas and align their relationships with Jesus Christ, through whom we find a strong bond with God.

The Archbishop also hailed formators, the director of vocations for the archdiocese, parents, and all Catholic believers for their crucial role in the formation of the newly ordained priests and deacons.
Speaking shortly after the eucharistic celebration, Fr. Paul Ngoe, the director of vocations for the Archdiocese of Nairobi, revealed that the archdiocese needs more priests while entreating catholic families to help their children in responding to vocational calls in the same way that they prepare them for the institution of marriage.
“We have a shortage of priests and just like nuns and other religious, priests come from families,” He noted, “Therefore, we urge that you continue to lead righteous responsible lives and set good examples that foster growth not only as a family but also as God’s church, because if our families are wounded the church is also wounded.”
The priest reiterated Archbishop Anyolo’s message of gratitude to the faithful for supporting the clergy through their religious formation while urging them to continue praying for them to remain steadfast in the noble service bestowed upon them.
The Archbishop made an exhortation to the faithful and religious leaders to serve the people of God with great gladness, commitment, and tenderness as he concluded his metaphorical homily, in which he gave a clear account of Jesus as He is depicted in the Scriptures and why we should model ourselves after Him.
“Jesus himself is our refreshments much like the examples he has provided; he is our refreshment in a way that, as the fountain of life—just like humans need water as a basic need of our life— so do we need him to quench our thirst and our hearts restlessly thirst for him until he satisfies them.” Asserted Archbishop Anyolo.
Five deacons, three diocesan priests, and one priest from the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins (OFM) were ordained clergy in the Friday morning Diaconate and Priestly ordination mass which was animated by Thika Deanery.