ZAMBIA: Auxiliary Bishop for Chipata Diocese Consecrated

Bishop Msipu Phiri
Mwenya Mukuka
The Auxiliary Bishop for the Catholic Diocese of Chipata Bishop Gabriel Msipu Phiri has been consecrated.
In his speech during the Episcopal Ordination, Bishop George Lungu said he raised the motion to seek an auxiliary Bishop for the Diocese owing to the growing needs of the Diocese.
“Firstly, we thank God for our Auxiliary Bishop Rt Rev. Gabriel Msipu Phiri. We receive him in the Diocese as a special blessing to the local Church of Chipata. I moved the motion to seek an Auxiliary Bishop for Chipata Diocese for obvious reasons some of which have been well articulated in the hymns composed for this occasion.”
“Let me add one or two more reasons. Wisdom of the people from the eastern Province will agree with me that to seek company on a journey is not a sign of cowardice. Rather, it is a gesture that one appreciates the need for company in managing situations and not going it alone,” Bishops Lungu said.
“God gave Aaron to Moses for a similar reason. Jesus knew what he was doing by sending out the seventy-two disciples two by two. St Paul enjoyed the company of Barnabas, Siras and Timothy. Looking at the geographical size of Chipata Diocese and the number of pastoral demands in response to the growing needs, I had to request the company of an auxiliary Bishop,” he said.
“I needed an additional pair of eyes to see the needs of our people, an additional pair of ears to hear the cries of our people, an additional pair of legs to walk the paths around the Diocese so as to reach out to the sheep in the periphery of our Diocese – Kanyelele in the north of Chama, Kachindu in the South-West and Kapirikasweta in the west. Doubling with Episcopal presence also means more time with our people.” Bishop Lungu added.
“For we cannot smell the sheep as Pope Francis admonishes us without spending sufficient time with the sheep. More time with them helps us to identify ourselves with their joys, anxieties, hopes and aspirations. This enduring presence among our people also validates and authenticates our prophetic mission of the episcopal ministry. Therefore, allow me to profoundly thank the Holy Father Pope Francis for responding positively to my cry,” Bishop Lungu said.
Ndola Diocese Bishop Benjamin Phiri previously served as Auxiliary Bishop of Chipata before Pope Francis assigned him to Ndola.
An Auxiliary Bishop is a bishop assigned to assist the Diocesan Bishop in meeting the pastoral and administrative needs of the diocese.
The particular duties of an Auxiliary Bishop are given by the Diocesan Bishop and can vary widely depending on the Ordinary’s decisions and the needs of the Diocese.