PAPAL VISIT SOUTH SUDAN: Pope Francis’ Visit is a Clarion Call to Simplicity says Religious, Clergy and Formees in South Sudan

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
The religious men and women, clerics and formees in South Sudan have described the ecumenical peace pilgrimage visit of Pope Francis, as a call to simplicity which all people need to emulate irrespective of religion.
Sharing their feelings with AMECEA online Saturday, February 4, at St. Theresa Cathedral where the Pope was to have the meeting, Religious, Clergy and Formees appreciated the Pope’s simplicity noting that his presence in the country is a witness of Christ.
“As Priests and religious, Pope’s visit has a great impact as this strengthens and encourages us to pick that simplicity of the Holy Father knowing that he has lowered himself to come to a country that no one would think he can come to,” Fr. Emmanuel Birandujuo from South Sudan’s Tombura Yambio Diocese said during the interview adding that the clergy and religious can learn from the simplicity and preach peace which the Holy Father himself has brought to the country.
In his message just before the Pope’s meeting with the bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated persons and seminarians, Fr. Birandujuo who serves as the Bishop’s secretary and the vice Chancellor in the Diocese expounded that Pope Francis has actually fulfilled Christ’s mission by reaching out to those in need.
“This visit has so much impact on us as religious, priests and Christians. The Pope himself is a Vicar of Christ and the same work Christ did as a Shepherd by reaching to all his people, is the same work the Pope is doing,” the cleric who travelled a distance of over 300km to Juba with approximately other 200 Christians narrated and added that, “Seeing him (Pope Francis) among us is also witnessing the presence of Christ in our lives.”
“I believe that as religious this ecumenical visit is a boost for us to keep hopeful since the situation of South Sudan has been quite dire despite the peace agreement signed in 2018,” a religious nun from the congregation of the Comboni Missionary Sisters, Sr. Elena Balatti shared during the Saturday interview.
She emphasized that since the signed agreement the country “has not yet experienced that peace, prosperity and stability in the country,” a situation which she believes may dispirit the strength, courage and enthusiasm of the religious and clergy who have been working hard for the realization of peace.
Despite the challenges, the Italian nun who has served in South Sudan since 1994 said, “this visit of the Pope I believe is a reminder for us that we are here for the Lord and we need to continue working in hope to see better days of the people of South Sudan.”
On her side a Kenyan working in South Sudan, Sr. Catherine Achieng’ Ouma underscored the joy and enthusiasm among the religious and clergy highlighting that majority of whom travelled from far and wide to listen for the message from the Pontiff.
“There is this joy despite what we have been going through in a country where people feel marginalized compared to other parts of the world, but the Holy Father has seen the need to be together with us and we are proud of that as Catholics and religious,” Sr. Ouma a member of the congregation of the Comboni Missionary Sisters narrated.

She underscored that with hope, ecumenical visit is going bring unity and positive change in the church and “The fact that people have travelled from various parts of the world to join us in this event, is a sign of unity among the faithful and how much people feel the presence of the Holy Father in the region.”
Seminarian Mathew Lujang from St. Paul’s Major Seminary appreciated the visit of the Church leaders saying, “The visit of the Holy Father and the others is one of the most important event in the history of South Sudan. We expect from his message, an increased unity among Christians so that they (Christians) may extend the same to all the people to embrace peace and reconciliation among the communities which area broken down because of conflicts.”
“As seminarians seeing the Holy Father who is our Father of faith we expect blessings from him and encouragement for us all to keep moving on in the vocation,” the third year philosophy student narrated.
In conclusion, Postulant Jane Maurice Joseph of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus acknowledged that the talk with the religious and clergy is a blessing.
“We believe that Pope Francis’ visit will bring peace and reconciliation to our nation especially to the citizens,” Postulant Jane shared with AMECEA Online and continued, “Let us all yearn for unity as the Bible teaches us to be one. Let us all bring our minds together to receive the Holy Father and exercise peace in our heart and our country of South Sudan.”