UGANDA: Diocese of Nebbi Celebrates the Life of Late Bishop Martin Luluga

Sr. Mary Lilly Driciru

        The Bishops blessing the casket of
       the late Bishop Martin Luluga
         Credit: UEC Communications

Rt. Rev. Martin Luluga (RIP) Bishop Emeritus of Nebbi Catholic Diocese was laid to rest on August 17, 2022, in Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral-Nebbi after breathing his last on July 30, 2022. He succumbed to terminal heart problem that troubled him from 2015. Thousands of Christians and people of good will witnessed the sendoff ceremony from various parts of Uganda and beyond.

After 89 years of life worth celebrating, Pope Francis imparted his Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of hope and consolation in Christ, the first fruits from the dead. He condoned the mourners and prayed that God may grant Martin the reward of his labours and welcome his soul into the peace and joy of his heavenly kingdom.

Rt. Rev. Joseph Anthony Zziwa, Bishop of Kiyinda –Mityana Diocese and Chairman of Uganda Episcopal Conference eulogized the deceased as one who was prudent in decision making, approachable, keen on punctuality and with simple lifestyle with sense of humor. Bishop Martin was lucky to live the beatitudes, poor in spirit. He was patient, humble, a man of great faith and love.

Rt. Rev Raphael p’Mony Wokorach, the successor of the late Bishop Martin eulogized:

“We as diocese are mourning one of our first shepherds. The mourning however, is not so much of regrets but rather a celebration of a life well lived. An extraordinary life we celebrate and remember. Bishop Luluga is my father in Faith and a mentor. As parish priest, he sent me to the minor seminary, his soft-spoken nature as spiritual director in Alokolum Major seminary helped many seminarians to grow vocationally including me as a Comboni postulant. He gave me personal reflections before ordination at Wadelai Parish, I wanted him to be the principal consecrating Bishop at my consecration so that he could finish the work he started. But the ailments especially the hearing

Most Rev. John Baptist Odama
blessing the grave , where Bishop Martin
was laid to rest

impairments could not allow that.”

Bishop Wokorach added: “Bishop Martin was deeply spiritual; this also changed the lives of the people he encountered. He preached with passion, softly, humorously and people would not get tired. He would not forget people and their names. He was a shepherd who knew his flock by name. Nebbi became his home with good relationship he created with the people. He was known as a man of prayer and concentrated in all he did.  The late Bishop was a good story- teller, welcoming and warm in relating with people. He took careful decisions after thorough reflection. He lived in the spirit of what Mother Theresa said; God put you in this world not to be successful, but to be faithful. We believe the faithful servant is praying for us. May the seed of faith he sowed refresh and inspire our Diocese more and more!”

The Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU) joins the Church in Uganda to celebrate the life Rt. Rev. Martin Luluga, Bishop (RIP) Emeritus of Nebbi Catholic Diocese. And recount diligent service he rendered to the Church and to the consecrated persons in particular. The late prelate left a legacy with his team while serving as Assistant Liaison Bishop for the Religious in Uganda.

            Sisters paying their last respect
             to Bishop Martin Luluga

The deceased Shepherd late Bishop Martin was born on March 1, 1933 at Lodonga in the Diocese of Arua-Uganda. He was ordained priest on June 1, 1963. On October 17, 1986, Pope John Paul II elected him as the Auxiliary Bishop of the then Gulu Diocese and the Titular Bishop of Aquae in Dacia. He was ordained Bishop in Gulu on January 11, 1987. On February 8, 2011, Bishop Martin Luluga retired from being the Bishop Ordinary of Nebbi Catholic Diocese and lived in a nearby residence close to the Cathedral Parish in Nebbi Catholic Diocese. He was eulogized and described as a mentor, friend, educator, formator, brother, one who forgives, patient and enduring, braved the war in northern Uganda by Most Rev. John Baptist Odama, Archbishop of Gulu, Rt Rev. Sanctus Lino Wanok of Lira Diocese and Rt. Rev. Sabino Ocan Odoki, Bishop of Arua Diocese.