MALAWI: Catholic Schools in Malawi Urged to Uphold Catholic Values

Catholic school head teachers
Stella Zulu
Catholic head teachers in the country have been urged to instill values in learners at their schools and ensure that Catholic education achieves its sole purpose of holistic human formation and evangelization.
This was said by Bishop Montfort Stima who represented the Catholic Education Commission Bishop Chairman, Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa, during a training of secondary school head teachers and Diocesan Education Coordinators on safeguarding of vhildren and vulnerable adults at Zaburi Lake Resort in Mangochi district.
“Education in the Church is supposed to evangelize and impart Catholic Values in children. I urge all of you to maintain the Catholic values in the schools so that at the end, students should be able to say they are who they are today because they went to Catholic schools. You should also be good examples to the students and be able to inspire them as part of your evangelization,” said Bishop Stima.
On his part, the National Education Coordinator and Safeguarding Officer, Rev Bro Pascal Mtuwana said the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) has revised the safeguarding policy of children and vulnerable adults and the school managers need to acquaint themselves with the new policy.
“You need to hold orientation sessions in your schools on the new policy and issues of protection of children and vulnerable adults. The policy shows how serious the Catholic bishops are with issues of child safeguarding in Catholic schools. All cases that are criminal in nature must be handled following Church structures and procedures as stipulated by the policy. It is your responsibility to keep schools safe and avoid child abuse especially to female children,” said Bro Mtuwana.
Bro Mtuwana also encouraged the school managers to be aware of everyone who comes to work at the school premises and report anyone involved in any abuse cases.
On behalf of all head teachers, Rebecca Tembo, head teacher for Maria Goretti Secondary School said the training has been an eye-opener to the head teachers and has refreshed their leadership knowledge and skills which will help to improve the standards of education in the country.
“The implementation of this policy in our schools will help to improve education in the country because it will instill a sense of responsibility in teachers and students; the school administrations will have backing for their decisions and actions while protecting the rights of children,” said Tembo.
During the training, an association of Catholic secondary school head teachers in Malawi was formed which is meant to enhance collaboration among Catholic schools in Malawi.