ETHIOPIA: National Social Communications Office Raises Awareness on Synod and Synodality to Catholic Digital Media Practitioners

Habtamu Abrdew Beture
An awareness raising program held for Catholic Media Practitioners in Ethiopia. The program was organized by the Social Communications Department of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia in collaboration with the National Preparation Committee of the Synod.
Twenty-nine digital media practitioners, 24 in person and 5 virtually, participated in the program whose purpose was to raise awareness and inspire the youth to spread information and knowledge on the synod to the public using their creativity. At the same time, the activity aimed at establishing a regular relationship and coordination between the practitioners and the National Social Communications Coordination.
The nature, aim and contents of the Synod were widely discussed. At the same time the experiences of different dioceses shared among the participants.
Fr. Gebremeskel Shikur the coordinator of the National Synod office took the opportunity to explain about the Synod as Fr. Israel Goitom the Archdiocesan Synod Processes coordinator explained the synodal objectives.
On his part, National Social Communications Director Mr. Habtamu Abrdew introduces to the participants the international web resources, tools, and the Newsletter of the General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops. At the Same time, he encourages the participants to subscribe and follow what is going in the world.
Participants resolved to take part in the Synod process as group and as individuals; to create a platform in which all of them could contribute to and share experiences about the synod; and to actively play a significant role in dissemination of information on the Synod.
The digital platforms practitioners formed a team and decided to meet regularly to acquire more information and knowledge as the Deputy Secretary General, Pastoral Ministry Coordinator and National Contact Person of the Synod Fr. Gabriel Woldehanna said that more is expected from the youth to reach out to their colleagues using the digital world.