AMECEA: CRS and AMECEA Brainstorm on Strategies for Changing the Way of Caring for Children

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
Officials from the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) together with members of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) Secretariat have in a meeting deliberated on better ways on how to give care to the vulnerable children, encouraging collaboration from various actors in the society.
In a meeting which was held at AMECEA Secretariat in Kenya’s capital Nairobi on Tuesday, March 15, the CRS Global Director for Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) Ms. Anne Smith explained that the aim of the initiative is “to promote family-based care of children,” hence the need to work closely with AMECEA and other faith actors in the realization of this long-term dream of safeguarding vulnerable children, strengthening the families and communities.
Narrating about the CTWWC, Ms. Smith who works for the international humanitarian agency CRS in the United States, highlighted that the initiative commenced nearly four year ago in 2018 to encourage the fundamental belief that all children deserve to grow up in a family environment rather than in residential care institutions or orphanages.
She said that partnering with regional organizations such as AMECEA who are already promoting holistic care of children in four countries within the region under the project dubbed as Catholic Care for Children (CCC) and run by Sisters Religious congregations, many children will be helped to grow up in families.
According to Ms. Smith who has worked in various African countries including Uganda and Zambia, CTWWC focuses on three main areas of service including system change at national level, promoting reintegration and re-unifying of children who are in residential care centers and also influencing regional and global actors into this initiative.
She revealed that the importance of this initiative around family care for children is “a concern for many actors globally not only the Catholic Church but also other Faiths, governments as many countries are moving towards the same intention.”
On her part Ms. Andrea Drew the CRS’ Global Operations Director for CTWWC, underscored the aim of collaboration as to help reach wider coverage, understand what is happening on the ground, know how to support bishops in promoting safeguarding and engage with not only the religious nuns working in institutions for children, but also with the bishops and clergy who have the same apostolates.
AMECEA’s Secretary General Very Rev. Fr. Anthony Makunde welcomed the idea saying: “It is high time the issue is addressed before it blows up.”
In his observation, residential care centres were few in the past since African families used to take care of vulnerable children in difficult situations through relatives and well-wishers.
“The entire idea needs a collaborative approach. We need the Bishops, clergy, the lay leadership, parents, Religious nuns and all those managing children Centre’s,” The Secretary General said adding that “All these groups are needed if we are to achieve our goals and address issues regarding policies so they can lobby and advocate for the change. The approach needs to be holistic.”
Accordingly, Fr. Andrew Kaufa AMECEA’s Social Communications Coordinator added, “Our role as AMECEA is to enhance ownership of the initiative within the Church in the region and promote advocacy. Hence we provide linkage between the stakeholders and bridge the existing gaps.”