SOUTH SUDAN: Episcopal Ordination of Msgr. Carlassare for South Sudan’s Rumbek Diocese, Scheduled for 25th March

Bishop-elect Christian Carlassare

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

After a whole year of waiting since the appointment of Msgr. Christian Carlassare as the new Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek, South Sudan, the date for Episcopal ordination has been slated for Friday, March 25, the solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord in the Catholic Church.

Announcing the consecration date to bishops, priests, Religious and laity in South Sudan, the Apostolic Administrator of Rumbek Diocese Bishop Matthew Remijio Adam Gbitiku said in a statement: “After due consultation with the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan and the Bishop elect, I am happy to announce to you the consecration of Bishop of Rumbek.”

Bishop Remijio who is the Local Ordinary of South Sudan’s Wau Diocese and a member of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus (MCCJ) added: “The Consecration of Bishop elect Fr. Christian Carlassare will take place on the solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, 25th, March 2022 in Rumbek.”

Bishop who has been administering the Diocese of Rumbek since May 2021 after Bishop-elect was attacked and shot before his episcopal ordination further asked Christians in his Tuesday, March, message to accompany Msgr. with prayers.

The Bishop-elect, an Italian-born cleric and a member of MCCJ, has been recuperating after the midnight of Monday, April 26, attack  and while nursing gunshot wounds in both his legs had expressed the need to look beyond the incident but to “seek for the truth.”

Sharing with AMECEA online in an interview after the announcement of the consecration date, Msg. Carlassare expressed that the long awaited period of his Episcopal Ordination had a purpose and it has taught him humility and trust in God.

“God knows the purpose of our human struggles and works all things together for the good of those who trust in him,” The member of MCCJ said and expounded, “I am sure that my wounds will serve for a greater good and this long-awaited period had the purpose to prepare the heart of people to cherish the Gospel teachings, to form a more mature Church and cooperate to build a more caring and peaceful community. Actually this period taught me a bit more of humility to trust in God and collaborate with him.”

During the interview Bishop-elect who in his missionary work has served in South Sudan’s Malakal Diocese for over ten years pledged to make Church mission a priority saying his services “Will be defined by a collegial body in line with the synodal journey of the Church.”

“We shall work towards a Church that looks at the local reality and at the world, discerns and decides together the way to go, and act united with a common effort,” he said and continued, “Therefore, I reckon of vital importance to revive the centre of trauma healing and healing the healers because only reconciled ministers can become agents of reconciliation and peace among the people. I deeply believe in the message of the last synod for Africa that evangelization today takes the name of reconciliation, hence the Church has to put evangelization at the centre of every effort and commitment.”

He appreciated the work done by the Apostolic Administrator and for his servant leadership and for other Prelates in the conference saying, “I thank Rt. Rev. Matthew Remijio from the bottom of my heart for his commitment and servant leadership. I am also grateful to all the Bishops of South Sudan and Sudan for the spirit of brotherhood they have shown me. I count on them as I join them in the ministry of shepherding the flock.”

Additionally, Msgr. Carlassare expressed gratitude to the people of Rumbek and entire South Sudan for solidarity with him and their “readiness to adopt me as their father and shepherd in the Church.”

Appreciating the fact that consecration will be on the solemnity of the Annunciation, the Bishop-elect said, “I see the loving presence of Mary and she will watch over me and my ministry. May her yes to God be expressed in my yes to the Church of Rumbek and yes that people will respond back by journeying together as a prophetic Church.”

He referenced Pope Francis’ Lenten message urging people to do good: “Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up.” Never give up in doing good, in sowing abundant seeds of goodness in our human family. Anyone who sows generously will reap generously as well.

He invites all the faithful to a thanksgiving Mass on Sunday, March 27, and for devotion to St Joseph and St Mary and the Holy family to intercede for him and the Diocese of Rumbek.