KENYA: Ahead of General Elections, CJPD Emphasize on Making Informed Choices

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
The leadership of Catholic Justice and Peace Department (CJPD) of Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), National office and Misereor Dialogue and Partnership Services (DPS) Kenya, has organized a training workshop aimed to emphasize on how voters can make informed choices on August 9, 2022.
The four-day training workshop slated from Tuesday, February 15, is expected to bring together members from CJPD Dioceses and National Catholic Justice and Peace Secretaries, Representatives from Catholic Women Association (CWA) Catholic Men Association (CMA), Youth, Association of Sisterhoods in Kenya (AOSK), Religious Superiors’ Conference of Kenya (RSCK), and Military Ordinariate.
In a letter co-signed by Head of Department CJPD, National Office Ms. Beatrice Odera and Head of Misereor DPS Kenya, Dr. Kamila Krygier, the objective of the workshop is to “Share experiences, assess challenges and opportunities on how to use advocacy and lobbying methods for conflict prevention during elections.”
“As we gear up towards the 2022 Kenyan General Elections, this training is instrumental in our work spheres in supporting our fellow citizens to make informed choices, deal with grievances and political uncertainty and generally discuss best practiced structural reforms,” reads part of the letter inviting participants.
According to the conveners, the training will enlighten participants on “possibilities of minimizing electoral violence, tolerance and peaceful coexistence in the country be strengthened and continuous learning efforts to secure peace and national cohesion in Kenya be forged.”
The training anticipated to take place at the Assumption Sisters JJ McCarthy Center in Kenya’s capital Nairobi, will be conducted by trainers from South Africa, Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office as well as the Denis Hurley Peace Institute of the South African Catholic Bishop’s Conference.