MALAWI: Episcopal Conference of Malawi Elects New Office Bearer: Archbishop Tambala as New President

Andrew Kaufa, smm

At the end of the plenary assembly of the Catholic bishops under the body Episcopal Conference of Malawi, the ordinary of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe Most. Rev. George Desmond Tambala has been elected the new President of the Conference.

This development has been disclosed in a statement issued by the Catholic Secretariat in Malawi on Friday, February 4, 2022,  signed by the ECM Secretary General Very Rev. Fr Henry Saindi.

“The Episcopal of Malawi (ECM) wishes to inform the entire Catholic community in Malawi and beyond, all partner organizations and groupings, and all people of good will, that in line with the Statutes governing the operations and internal organization of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops in Malawi, the ECM has, as of Friday, 4th February, 2022, elected new officer bearers for the period of January 2022 to January 2024…”

Most Rev. Tambala replace Archbishop Thomas Msusa of Blantyre Archdiocese who has served in the capacity of ECM President for the maximum two consecutive terms as per the Statutes.

According  the statement, the Bishop of Mangochi Diocese Rt. Rev. Montfort Stima is the Vice President of ECM replacing Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of Karonga Diocese who served in that capacity for the maximum terms as per the ECM Statutes.

In the same communique, it has been announced the new permanent council which comprises of Most Rev. George Tambala, Rt. Rev. Stima, Rt. Rev. Peter Musikuwa of Chikwawa Diocese and Rt. Rev. Peter Chifukwa of Dedza Diocese.

At the same time, Archbishop George Tambala becomes the Bishop Delegate for the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA), Bishop Delegate to Synods of Africa, and Chairman for the Catholic Development Commission (CADECOM)

Most Rev. Thomas Msusa becomes the bishop chairman for the Commission of Seminaries and substitute Bishop Delegate to Synods of Bishops as well as Bishop chairman for Catholic Education Commission. Bishop Peter Chifukwa is the Bishop Delegate for the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Bishop Chairman for Child Safeguarding and Bishop Chairman for Liturgical Commission.

Rt. Rev. Martin Mtumbuka who also chairman for Evangelization and Catechesis (Pastoral Commission) and chairman for the Theological Commission; Bishop John Ryan of Mzuzu has been elected Bishop Chairman for the Associations of Men and Women Religious (AMRIM and AWRIM); and Bishop Peter Musikuwa is chairman for  Gender.