MALAWI: Catholic Church in Malawi to Celebrate World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Rev Fr. Henry Chinkanda
Demetria Banda
The Catholic Church, through the office of the Pastoral Commission in Malawi will this Sunday, join the Universal Church in celebrating World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.
According to The National Pastoral Coordinator of Episcopal Conference of Malawi Fr. Henry Chinkanda, Pope Francis on Sunday, January 31,2021, declared World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly to be celebrated annually on the fourth Sunday of July close to the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus.
“This Day will help us to understand that all of us, young and old, grandparents and grandchildren, whether or not we belong to the same family, are “one body and one Spirit. The elderly, like the young, are important. Without them, the Church lacks something. That is why it is necessary for them to have their rightful place within each of our communities. It is crucial that we share in the lives of older people in the same way that the Lord, in giving us his Body and Blood, has made us sharers in his own,” said Fr. Chinkanda, echoing Pope Francis’ words.
According to Fr. Chinkanda, through celebrating this day, Christians from all walks of life are encouraged to support their grandparents and elderly in their communities; and young people advised to cultivate the culture of serving in preparation for the future.
“The elderly are not served by themselves alone because they need strong legs on which to make their dreams walk. Young people are not served by themselves alone because they need someone to tell them that even from a dark night, the sun of a new dawn can rise. This is why we have dedicated everything in this day including the collection from the Masses for this World Day to supporting projects that will help the poor elderly people in the communities,” he said.
“Christians from all parishes, outstations and small Christian gatherings are encouraged to contribute handsomely and take care of all the elderly people around them and make them feel that God and the Church are close to them through our kindness, love and by supporting them in whatever they lack. This will underscore the importance and need for inter-generational closeness between the young and the old because grandparents have the specific task of transmitting the faith to the younger generations and accompanying their grandchildren with their wisdom,” he continued.
Fr Chinkanda further noted that as the Church is in preparation period for the World Mission Sunday, all Christians are encouraged to live their faith and express it though prayer, service and contributions towards the missionary work of the Church.
“Although there are many economic and social problems in our country, we should be grateful that we enjoy the peace and freedom of going for work in our gardens, offices and business places. We have to be grateful to God because of the good land, soil, water in rivers and lakes, and the green vegetation that comes up every rainy season. And with also these gifts, we can express gratitude to God by praying for the elderly, serving them and contributing money generously for supporting them,” concluded Fr. Chinkanda.
Highlighting the challenges being experienced by grandparents and the elderly in Malawi, the Pastoral Coordinator said this age bracket is often forgotten and that it is pathetic to note that most elderly people are discriminated against, falsely accused of witchcraft, brutally treated and sometimes neglected by their own children and grandchildren.
Pope Francis in his message emphasized that old age is a gift and that grandparents are the link between generations, passing on the experience of life and faith to the youth.
“It is important that grandparents meet their grandchildren and that grandchildren meet with grandparents, because as Prophet Joel says in the scriptures, ‘grandparents seeing their grandchildren dream, and young people drawing strength from their grandparents, will go forward and prophesy,’ said Pope Francis.
The Holy Father reflected on the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple when Simeon and Anna, both elderly, recognized Jesus as the Messiah and said that the Holy Spirit still arouses thoughts and words of wisdom in the elderly today and that their voice is precious because it sings the praises of God and guards the roots of people.
The prayer of the elderly, according to Pope Francis, can protect the world, help it perhaps more effectively than the energetic activity of many others.
This year’s world day for Grandparents and the Elderly is being celebrated under the theme ‘I Am With You Always’.