KENYA: African Panelists Emphasize Urgency of Promoting Laudato Si’ Action Platform

Poster announcing webinar on Laudato Si' Action Platform

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

Nearly one and a half months after Vatican launched a seven-year Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) to ignite action on ecological conversion throughout the Church, African panelists have stressed the urgency of putting Laudato Si’ to realization.

This was stressed in a webinar session moderated by the Global Catholic Climate Movement in Africa (GCCM-Africa) with panelists from the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DPIHD) and Symposium of Episcopal Conferences in Africa and Madagascar (SECAM).

The conference which aimed at promoting the Laudato Si Action Platform highlighted the implication of putting into action the message of Pope Francis in the encyclical for the Church in Africa and explored how Catholics in Africa can actively participate in the coming seven years.

Speaking during the Wednesday, July 14, session, guest speaker Fr. Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam, the Coordinator of the “Ecological and Creation” office at the Vatican department for (PIHD), disclosed that “we are in absolute urgency and the journey of ecological conversion needs to be in action not just in words.”

He continued, “People really need to act drastically since we are left with only a decade to remain under 1.5° celsius otherwise as scientists tell us it, will be a catastrophe in the world and we will not manage the consequences.”

Narrating why the world is in emergency of ecological conversion, Fr. Joshtrom the Chair of Philosophy of Science and Director of the Institute of Socio-political Sciences at the Salesians Pontifical University in Rome said, “We are crossing the tipping point in the climate system and the Greenland is melting.”

“The melting of Greenland can raise the sea level by 6 to 7 meters,” Fr. Joshtrom disclosed reiterating the scientists’ message and continued, “We have to remember that the Amazon rainforest, the West African monsoon and coral reefs are also dying out.”

He underscored that the aim of LSAP is to make communities around the world totally sustainable in the spirit of integral ecology of Laudato Si’ hence the reason “Pope Francis is inviting everyone to participate in this journey right from families, parishes and dioceses, educational institutions, hospitals and health care centers, Economy, organizations and Religious Orders.”

Fr. Joshtrom emphasized that the seven goals in Laudato Si out to be realized concurrently. These are response to the cry of the earth; response to the cry of the poor; ecological economics; adoption of simple life styles; ecological education; ecological spirituality and community engagement and participatory actions.

On his part the second Deputy Secretary General of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) Fr. Jean Germain Rajoelison highlighted the role of the Church on the continent which is “to create awareness among her Christians and help in evangelization.”

Besides, Fr. Jean Rajoelison continued, “She needs to encourage various Church groups to work in partnership and do a lot in terms of advocacy and lobbying focusing on Laudato Si, episcopal conferences and setting up initiatives on good governance.”

Addressing the online participants on the need of walking together in implementing the LSAP, a sustainable and community development practitioner Mrs. Bernadette Crewe Brown noted that the journey is ‘rooted in unity and collaboration” and humanity should know that “people and nature are deeply inter-twined and co-evolving.”

When implementing the LSAP, Mrs. Brown who is a radio presenter and content producer of Laudato Si weekly program in South African encouraged adapting the platform content to the needs of different sectors and regions.

“It is hoped that all of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvement and talent,” Mrs. Brown narrated adding, “In this spirit of solidarity, the Dicastery of PIHD warmly welcomes the efforts of working groups and members can invite their networks to participate in the LSAP.”

She further disclosed that the Dicastery of PIHD is committed to accompanying participants along their journey thorough the LSAP.