MALAWI: Bishop of Zomba Urges Malawians to Embrace Mindset Change as they Celebrate 57th Independence Anniversary

Bishop George Tambala of Zomba Diocese, Malawi
Stella Zulu
Bishop George Tambala of Zomba Diocese has encouraged Malawians to be open to change and stop old behaviors that led the country into self-destruction, if at all the country is to develop.
The Bishop said this on Tuesday 6th July, 2020 during the 57th Independence Anniversary-National Service of Worship as the country celebrated 57 years of independence.
Referring to the unusual thing in Mark 4:1-20 where Our Lord Jesus Christ was welcomed by demon-possessed men when he visited a village, Bishop Tambala said Malawi as a country, should learn to do things unusual in order to address numerous problems the country is facing.
“The celebration of 57 years of independence should help us to do stock-taking: what are the things we as a country are doing and end up destroying ourselves? Some of these include corruption, theft, killing of each other and lack of respect for human dignity just to mention a few,” said Bishop Tambala.
He continued that Malawians should not be afraid of mindset change as it will help the country to welcome change. He said only those rooted in the treasures that come from bad behaviors can be afraid of change. “For the sake of the common good, the government is advocating for mindset change and those people should be prepared to lose some things they were used to do.”
Malawi became independent on July 6, 1964 from being a British Protectorate. This year’s national celebrations were marked by a prayer service held in the Capital city Lilongwe, and were attended by all religions in the country.